Chapter 12: Kidnapped

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The darkness was suffocating.  

It felt like I couldn't breathe.  

It felt like I was asleep yet awake.  

When I opened my eyes, everything around me was blurry.  The noises were fuzzy and incoherent.  A massive headache flared in between my temples.

I shut my eyes and tried to drown out the voices, but something started to shake me vigorously.  It was rough and persistent, and I couldn't fight the growing consciousness.  If I wasn't conscious already.

"CROSSBOW!" a male voice boomed.  The first intelligible word I had heard.

"Who are you?" I mumbled.

I could almost hear the smile in his voice as he said, "The Jackal. I believe we have some unfinished business."

I tried to get up but I was tied down.  I struggled desperatly against my bonds.  They only seemed to get tighter.  

"We've been waiting to catch you for years, Crossbow," The Jackal continued. "We offered for you to join us, but you turned us down. Now, you will pay."

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" I snapped.

"Not yet," The Jackal replied. "For now, you sleep." He held something up to my nose and the sharp smell of sedative filled my nostrils.  

I didn't have enough energy to fight.

So, I just let myself go.

*waiting music brought to you by SiSi*


My eyes shot open.  I was no longer tied up.  Instead I was in a familiar forest.  

It was the forest near James' hideout.

How did I get here?

I didn't have time to think about it.  A large man jumped out at me.  

The Jackal.

I reached for my sword, but it was gone.  I kicked The Jackal in the jaw but he didn't falter for a minute.  He whipped out his sword and it became a fist to knife fight.  

Every time I would try to punch or kick, his sword would bore into my skin.  

I screamed but found my voice dry and scratchy.  

I wouldn't give up though.  I bit my lip and pushed through.  Soon it felt like every inch of me was covered in deep scratches.  

Then everything went black.

I shot up in my seat.  

I was still tied up but my wrists were sore like I had been struggling and had gotten rope burn.  I looked at my arms and legs but found no scratches.

It had been just a dream.

I sighed in relief, but it was short-lived.

"Good morning, Crossbow," The Jackal said. "I hope you slept well."

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"No!" he boomed. "As long as you are still alive, I can never succeed. You are the only one in my way."

"So then kill me already!"

He smiled cruelly. "Not without a show. Tonight you will die in front of the whole kingdom. Your identity will be revealed for all to see--then you will die. And all hope will die with you!"

With that he stomped out, leaving me with a twisted stomach.

And it wasn't because I'm going to die tonight.

Tonight, all hope will be lost.

Because there will be no one to stop The Jackal.

Lily Rose: LegendaryWhere stories live. Discover now