Chapter 21: It has Begun

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I stood with my hand on the doorknob to my step-mother's cottage.  I steadied myself with a few deep breaths before stepping inside.

Everything was just as before.  Several chairs surrounding a small, round table.  Bare, light blue walls and a small hallway that lead to the tiny kitchen.  I silently ran up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Where have you been, young lady?" my step-mother yelled from her bedroom.

"I got kidnapped, mind you," I replied bitterly. "But I'm fine now, thanks for asking."

Silence was all I got in return.

But what did I expect?

She didn't love me.

Not since father went missing.

I slammed my door and walked over to my bed.  I laid down but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep.  My stomach was killing me, and the bandages hadn't been removed and cleaned in over a day.  

But I couldn't bring myself to care.

I stared at the wood ceiling, thinking about life before my fathers disappearance.

We had had all kinds of animals.  It had been my job to milk the cow every morning and gather the eggs for breakfast.  Father would teach me for a few hours in the evenings and then work until dinner. He would go back out after we ate, but come back inside to tuck me in bed and read me stories of the legendary heroes.

Then father remarried.

And everything changed.

Father had to work harder to feed the extra mouth and didn't have time to teach me.  I had to help my new step-mother around the house doing "the woman's job".  I would always look forward to bedtime, when father would read me stories, just like he had before.

I missed his laugh as he tried to imitate the amazing heroes.  

I missed his deep, husky voice.

I missed...


But he was gone now.

And it was my fault.

I was sure my step-mother blamed me.  It was why she didn't love me or care about me.

I finally drifted off to sleep thinking about my father.

When I woke up, it was light outside.  

I slowly stood, wincing at the pain in my stomach.  I walked over to my desk, which had something wrapped in cloth and a note.

From James?  How could he have gotten in?

I picked up the note and read it to myself.

I made you some bread.

Have a good day at school.


She...had made me bread?

I unwrapped the cloth.  

Inside was a small loaf of bread, still warm.  My lips twitched into a small smile.  Maybe she did care.

In her own way.

I looked back at the note.


I still wasn't sure if I should go back.  With The Jackal still out there...

A knock from the front door cut off my thoughts.

Lily Rose: LegendaryWhere stories live. Discover now