~Chapter 76~

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A few weeks later

I walk out of the art room to hear voices coming from the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen and come around the corner to see Emma baking. She looks up and smiles at me. "Good afternoon Mrs. Grey." I walk up to the counter and smile at her. 

"Call me Lola." She nods.

"Of course." I look around and look back at her. 

"Where is your mom?" 

"Oh, she wasn't feeling too good so I stepped in her place. I hope that's okay?" I nodded. 

"No, yeah, it's fine." I glance behind me as I hear footsteps and Kane walks up to me. I prepare myself for his usual flirting. 

"You're father is here." I sigh. 

"Thanks." He nods. 

"How are you doing?" I was a bit shocked that not only did he care but that he was acting weird. 

"I'm fine." He crosses his arms. 

"Lola, I am that last person to judge anyone. You don't have to lie to me or pretend to be okay. I am here." I look down. 

"Like I said. I'm fine." I went to walk away but he grabs my hand. I look at him. He looks at me for a second and turns his gaze away. 

"I know it doesn't mean much to you but I care about you." His eyes went back on mine. "If you don't talk to someone about your problems they are going to eat at you." I swallow harshly. 

"No, I'm not okay but if I admit it out loud it makes everything so real. The one thing I want more than anything I can't have." His eyes soften. 

"There are-." I turn my head away while pulling my arm back.

"If you say there are other ways to getting what I want, I'm going to walk away." 

"I was just going to say there are people here for you if you need them." I nod and look back at him. 

"Do me a favor and don't mention this to Shane?" He nods. 

"Of course." I turn and walk out.

Kane's P.O.V

I watch her walk away and I sigh. I drag my hands over my face. "You really care for her huh?" I hear. I turn my head to see Emma. I look away from her gaze.

"Yeah, I do." 

"But she's with Shane?" I look back at her. 

"It was never about being with her. It was about being there for her. I care about her but not in the way he does. I just say shit to piss him off." She giggles as she looks down. 

"If I were him I would be pissed too. I mean you are attractive and you are flirting with his girl?" I let out a small smile. 

"Well with a smile like that and eyes like yours I'm sure you have guys begging for your attention." She scuffs and rolls her eyes. 

"Yeah, only guys who want to get in my pants. I don't want that. I want something like what Lola and Shane have." I chuckle bringing her attention to me. 

"Careful gorgeous, that is one batch of eggs you don't want to crack." She leans on the counter. 

"I don't mean exactly like that. I just mean a guy who cares about me and would die for me." I lean on the counter in front of her. 

"How about after your day here you let me take you on a date?" She smiles as she shakes her head. 

"I've seen the way you are around here. You are a huge flirt and that usually means you have a high sex drive." I scuff. 

"A high sex drive doesn't exactly mean anything." She hums. 

"I won't have sex with you, Kane." I chuckle. 

"I'm not asking you to." She smiles. 

"If I agree to this date are you going to try anything?" I shrug. 

"I was planning on maybe kissing you but now I think that you might scream rape if I tried." She giggles. 

"I get off at 9." I chuckle. 

"I will be here when you are done." I stand up and turn around. I walk out to see Shane whispering with Derek. I walk up to them and they turn to me. Shane crosses his arms. 

"I don't have time to deal with you right now." He says. I roll my eyes and look at Derek. 

"What's going on?" He glances at Shane and looks back at me. 

"Not a threat if that's was your concern." I nod. 

"So why are you whispering?" 

"If I feel like you should know I would tell you." Shane said. Duke was walking by and I grabbed his arm causing his eyes to go on mine. 

"Can I help you?" He asked with a bit of anger in his voice. 

"Do you know what they are being so secretive about?" He glances at Shane and looks back at me while crossing his arms. 

"I know you aren't questioning one of your leaders?" I scuff. 

"Fine don't tell me." Shane rolls his eyes. I smirk. "How is Lola doing?" He stands up straight. 

"I would be careful what you say because you are walking on a thin line." He threatened. I let out a dry laugh. 

"Yeah, you say that like you can actually do something about me. Only Duke can and I doubt he will kill me because of harmless flirting? Am I right, Duke?" I said looking at him. He sighs and wipes his face. 

"Are you trying to piss him off? I really don't feel like fighting." I look back at Shane. 

"You all should know Lola is not okay. No matter what she says. She isn't okay." Shane gave me a confused look. 

"What makes you say that?" He said. 

"I talked to her," I said walking away. 

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