~Chapter 6~

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"Lola wake up." I heard. I yawned. What a crazy dream. I opened my eyes and Derek stood in front of me. I groaned.

"I'm up. Leave." I said wiping my face. But he stayed in front of me with a smirk and his hands in his pocket.

"Can't I had orders from Shane to follow you around. I guess you can say I am your bodyguard." He said. I glared at him.

"I wonder if bodyguards are refundable," I said.

"Look I know you're angry but you will soon understand. Shane stepped out for a minute so he asked me to show you around. So get dressed." He said. I get up and walk up to my bag.

"I think you forgot about one thing," I said pulling out a pair of clothes.

"Yeah? What's that?" He asked.

"You're in my room. I can't get dressed." I said. He smirked.

"There's a bathroom." He said. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom. I get into the bathroom and take the shirt off that I was wearing and slipped on new underwear and a bra. I slipped on a crop top and went to slip on my jeans when Shane's side opens. My jeans half way up he stares at me. I roll my eyes and pull them up the rest of the way.

"What never seen a girl naked before?" I snapped as I pick up the shirt. He pulls me into his arms.

"About half the school." He said. I rolled my eyes again. "But none like you. Your innocent and beautiful," he said. I push off him.

"I'm immune to your charm remember?" I asked. He pulled me back into his arms.

"Not completely. Your body reacts differently than your emotions. Admit it. You want me." He said. His ego couldn't have gotten any bigger.

"I don't know how to put this. I am not attracted to you nor your ego. I just want to go home where your not. And since that's not going to happen I will be a good girl and hold my tongue." I said. He seemed to get mad again.

"Derek she's ready." He said. Derek walked into the bathroom and Shane turned around and walked away. I sighed.

"Great. I try to be nice and I anger one of the grizzly bears. Way to go Lola." I said slapping my forehead.

"Don't worry about him, Lola. He's got his father's anger. Thankfully enough it goes away quicker then it comes." Derek said. I turned to him.

"Why me? There are girls out there just begging to carry his child and he picks the one girl who isn't on that list." I said.

"Oh believe he has his ways of making girls fall for him. Even the ones who refuse to get trapped in his 'charm'." He said. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, cause that's gonna happen," I said. He smiles.

"Believe me. You aren't the only one who said that." He said. I crossed my arms.

"Challenge accepted," I said. I walked past him and put on my shoes.

"You are gonna need to walk close to me. Most of the guards are pervs. Wouldn't want Shane killing one of them." He said. I nodded. We walked out and the first thing I noticed was the two men standing outside my room and Shane's. I gripped Derek's arm as one of them eye me all the way down. The look on his face told me I was about to be his next meal.

We walk almost everywhere in the building which was a lot. I totally lied about it being small. We reach a room that looks a lot like a gym. I smiled. I go to walk in but Derek grabs my arm. I look at him. "You don't want to go in there. Shane wants you safe you going in there isn't." He said. I yanked my arm out of his grasp. I took a walk in and instantly loved it.

"Hey, your Lola right?" I heard. I looked to the right to see Adam from Art class.

"Yeah. I didn't pay you for a bodyguard type." I said. He chuckles.

"Why my good guy act?" He asked taking off some knuckle gloves.

"Yeah, something like that," I said watching him walk up to me.

"Should you be in here? If Shane found out you got hurt-."

"Yeah, Derek gave me the runaround," I said. He chuckles again.

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