~Chapter 19~

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2 months later

Shane’s P.O.V

I get out of bed and go to take a leak. After I was done I popped my head in Lola’s room. She was so perfect. Everything a guy can ask for. I watched her roll around in her sleep. I smiled and walked back in my room. I put some fresh clothes on and began putting my shoes on. “Boss, your car is ready.” Jeff my room guard said.

“Thanks, Jeff,” I said. I grab my phone and walk out of my room. Nods to me and I follow two guards out the door. I normally wouldn’t take guards with me but where I’m you never know what to expect. I get in the car with a guard driving and on in the back with me.

“Boss the guys were talking about two chicks coming and going? What’s that all about?” Tom said. I turned to him.

“Lola is the redhead. She is the girl who is going to carry my child. And Freya is the brown haired. She is her friend. I would introduce them to you guys but you act like animals.” I said.

“Boss, we changed after you announced Lola was coming. Well, never telling us her name but you know what I mean. Besides your father’s actually allowing us to get out more so we're not so much animal.” He said. I nod.

“Fine. But if anyone acts up then I’m killing all of you.” I said. He nodded.

“Boss, we’re a street away,” Liam said. I nodded. When we parked Liam opened the door for me. We walked up to the entrance and waited. Two guards came out.

“State your purpose.” One said.

“Came to see Marco,” I said. They nod and let us through. We walked through a bunch of rooms then we finally made it to his office. His chair was turned to us so we couldn’t see if anyone was sitting in it or not. I knew he was by the smell of cigarette smoke.

“Nephew what a surprise.” He said swinging the chair around for us to see him. “This wouldn’t happen to be about the child your father promised me would it?” He asked.

“I came here to ask for a trade,” I said. He chuckled.

“What could you possibly want?” He asked.

“Two children from me if you let Lola keep hers,” I said. He leaned over his desk.

“It seems you’ve grown attached to this girl.” He said. I couldn’t argue with him. “However I’ll make you a deal. I get the girl and you don’t have to worry about any children.” He said. My anger grew.

“Why could you possibly want her?” I asked. He grinned.

“Pleasures of course.” He said. I clenched my fist. “Alright, nephew you have that deal of yours. Now leave before I change my mind.” He said. I turned to walk away. “Oh and nephew, you still have until you’re 20.” He said. I then walked out and got in the car.

“Why did you do that?” Tom asked. I looked out the window.

“Because she is too broken to lose another thing,” I said. We drove back to the house in silence. When I got out I went straight to the art room. I went into the printing room and grabbed a box from a loose board. I opened it up and pulled out the pink gun. I checked it. 5 bullets. I placed it behind my back tucked in my pants. I put the rest of the box back. I walked back in my room. I pulled the gun out and put in between my mattresses. I went to use the bathroom but as soon as I opened the door Lola opened hers.

“I was about to go find you.” She said. It was 5 in the morning. No reason she should be up.

“What’s wrong?” I asked walking up to her.

“I can’t sleep.” She said. I placed my palm on her cheek. She leaned into my touch. “I had a nightmare.” She said. I picked her up and brought her to my room. “Didn’t you have to use the bathroom?” She asked. I set her on my bed.

“Stay put and I’ll be right back,” I said. She nodded and laid back on my bed. I went into the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes and put some gym shorts on. I picked up my clothes and set them in a basket. I walk back out and she smiled. I scooped her up in my arms and laid her next to me. She snuggled up to my chest.

“I heard you leave.” She said. I kissed her forehead. “Where did you go?” She asked.

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