~Chapter 84~

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I roll over onto my back and sigh. I rake my hand through my hair and open my eyes looking up at the ceiling. "Penny for thought?" I hear. I look over at the steps to see Duke walking down them. I sit up and look down at my hand. 

"I just didn't think that this was real," I said looking back up at him. He nods. 

"These things aren't supposed to be easy," I nod and look at the window. "How did you sleep?" 

"As good as I can for sleeping on a couch." He walks over to me. 

"I offered you my bed." I give him a small smile. 

"I am not going to kick you out of your own bed." He smiles and places a kiss on my forehead. 

"I have some work to do today or I would stay and hang out." I shake my head at him. 

"You have responsibilities to do." He smiles. 

"Try not to let yourself think about it that much okay?" I nod. 

"Yeah, okay," He grabs his car keys off the hook and I watch him walk out the door. I sigh loudly. I lay back down only to sit back up. I groan as I run up the steps and into the bathroom. I couldn't help the food coming up. I flush the toilet as I was done and I lean against the wall. "Note to self, the food at the club, not the best," I mumble. I stand up and rinse out my mouth. I open a drawer only to see it filled with condoms. I roll my eyes. "Overdoing it a little don't you think, Duke?" I close the drawer and open the next one to see what I was looking for. I grab out a new toothbrush and the toothpaste. After I finish brushing my teeth I run downstairs. I get to my phone and call Kane for a ride. 

"I'm not really trying to be in your business but happened? I mean Shane was extremely pissed last night when coming home and you weren't with him. I'm only guessing it's not a good sign." I look out the window as we drive to the warehouse. 

"What Shane wants aren't what they use to be." He scuffs. 

"Is that what he said?" I take a deep breath and look at him. 

"No, he just yelled at me for defending myself to Jackie. I told him that he had no right to intervene when he is the reason I even had to. If he didn't make her feel special she wouldn't have acted like she had a right to. I told him that we needed a break from each other until he can figure out what he wants." He sighs loudly. 

"Now he fucks up," I shake my head at him. 

"Don't say that." He glances at me. 

"I know and I love Emma but-." 

"No, buts. Kane, I was there when you promised her not to compare her to me. When you told her you loved her. I have no place in your world if you still have those types of feelings for me. I won't do that to her and I won't allow you to lose something good for you." He hums. 

"You know I love you right?" I let out a small laugh. 

"Yeah, I love you too," He pulls up to the warehouse and turns to me. 

"So what is the plan?" I give him a confused look. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Where are you staying? What are you going to do while you are away? I want to make sure you are okay." I smile as I open my door. 

"I am going to stay at one of Mack's houses here in town. I'm going to give Shane his space and we can figure out what happens next when the time comes." He sighs. 

"Okay," We walk into the warehouse and Derek looks at me. He gives me a small smile. I return the smile and turn to the bedroom door. I go to open the door when the door opens itself. I look up to see Shane. I roll my eyes. 

"The one day you are actually here when I don't want you to be," I mumble more to myself. He looks at me with sad eyes. He opens the door more and I walk in. He opens his mouth to say something but turns to Kane. Kane stood up straight. 

"Get one of the extra cars out front please," Kane looks at me and I give him a slight nod. He looks back at Shane. 

"Yeah, sure," He then walks away. I walk up to the closet and grab one of my empty suitcases. I start putting some of my clothes in it until I hear someone sigh. 

"Lola?" I swallow harshly and I'm sure he heard it. 

"Shane, don't. I tried, I really did but there is only so much I can take until I can't anymore." I whisper. 

"I'll stay quiet." He mumbled. I look at him ready to speak when Kane came back while holding the keys. Shane takes them from him and walks up to me. I look at him and he holds out the keys. I look at them. "If you are going out of the house you need a way to get around." I take the keys from him and look up at him. 

"Thanks," He nods. I close up my suitcase and walk past him. He grabs my arm causing me to stop and look at him. 

"I still love you, Lola." I nod. 

"I never said you didn't." He looks down and drops his hand. I walk out and past Kane. He follows me outside until I get to the car. I turn to him and give him a hug. "Thank you," 

"Of course. If you need anything in the meantime give me a call." I nod. He pulls away and I get into the car after putting my suitcase in the back. I drive to the house and pull into the driveway to see Mack leaning on his car in his phone. As I park the car he looks at me and puts his phone away. I get out and he walks up to me. 

"I don't have to beat his ass do I?" I give him a small smile. 

"No, Shane isn't the only one to blame for this break," He nods slowly. 

"Does that mean Lee?" I give him a confused and sigh. 

"You talked to Freya?" He nods. 

"She said that you are denying your feelings for this guy?" I roll my eyes and look away. 

"Denying them? No. Ignoring them? Yes." He gives me a small laugh. 

"You know it's not a bad thing to like someone else?" I look back at him. 

"Please, don't give me the speech. Freya already did that like six times." He chuckles. 

"Okay, I'll shut up." He holds up the keys to the house. I look at them and take them. 

"Thank you for this," He nods. 

"No one is using. It's just sitting here collecting dust." I smile. He sighs. "I have to get to work but I'll stop by sometime soon to check up on you." I nod. He gets into his car and I grab out my suitcase. I get into the house and look around. 

"Geez, Mack, how much money do you have?" I mumble as I walk around. The living room was huge. It had a brick-designed fireplace and a huge screen TV. The couch was sectional and it was a dark grey color. The rug under the glass coffee table was fluffy. The walls were a light brown color. The kitchen had an island counter with a huge stovetop. The sink was big as well with marble counters. There were three bedrooms but the master room had a walk-in shower and a jacuzzi tub. The mirror in here was massive. I sit on the bed with a sigh. "Home sweet home,"

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