~Chapter 4~

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"Oh stop winning Shane she needed to be taught a lesson," Peter said.

"Ok and like you said. My girl, so I am the one who teaches her. Ever lay your hand on her again and you won't like me." Shane said. I didn't know whether I should be happy that he defended me or sad because he said he was going to 'teach me a lesson'.

"Whatever. Just her out of my face and in cheek." Peter said walking away. I hated these people already. How can he expect me to bring a little one in this world? A world with murders, thieves, drugs dealers, and kidnappers. I rather die then bring a child in a world with the destiny to be killed at every corner he or she turns.

"Derek hide her car in the shed. Grab her backpack out of it." Shane said. I assumed he nodded because without a word he walked away. Shane stood in front of me and lifted my face to look at him. "I told you to keep quiet. His temper is much worse than mine." He said. His palm laid over the red spot that his father caused. It made it burn more. I hissed. He moved his hand. "Maria!" He yelled. An older lady came in the room wearing a black dress. I'm guessing a maid.

"Yes, sir." She said. He stayed watching me.

"I need ice and a rag sent to my room." He said. She nodded and walked away. I kept quiet. Even though I didn't know him I knew Shane would never let anything happen to me. We walk to his room and he sat me on his bed. As long as I'm here I need to learn to keep quiet. Even though I was kidnapped this is still better than home. "You haven't said a word." He said. I looked him in eyes as he struggled to take off his shoes. A knock came from the door and I got up to answer it.

"Ice and a rag for Mr. Grey." She said. I smiled a little.

"Thanks," I said.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to drink?" She asked.

"Iced water would be nice," I said. She smiled.

"Right away Miss." She said then walked away. I turn around and Shane was there. He stepped closer to me and closed the door behind me. He took the ice and ran away from me and wrapped the ice in the rag and nodded to the bed.

"Take a seat." He said. I walked over to the bed and sat down. He placed the rag over my cheek and I hosted. "She likes you," he said. I searched his eyes. "Maria. It's been a while since she's seen a woman. Well besides my mother but my mother is a bitch to her. She hates being here because it's too dirty or crowded." He said. I breathed slowly. "Does it still hurt?" He asked. I shook my head. The pain was bearable no need for ice. "Lola don't lie to me." He said.

"Someones at the door," I said. He sighed and got up. I looked around the room. There wasn't much going on in here. A bed, dresser, closet, bathroom, and a tv. The basics. I looked down at my hands and there was some dust on them. I felt my breathing getting heavy. I got up and walked into the bathroom. Ignoring everything going on around me. I turned on the sink and washed my hands for a minute. I looked around for a towel but there wasn't any.

"Here." I heard. I turned to see Shane. He wrapped my hands in his shirt. "I'll get Maria to bring some more towels." He said. My breathing calmed and I looked at my now cleaned hands. "Better?" he asked. I rubbed my thumbs over each fingers checking for wetness. I sighed when it was all dry. "If I may ask what happened that made you like this?" He asked. I looked up at him. I stayed quiet. I wasn't ready to share that story. He picked up a cup with a straw and handed it to me. "I knew you only drink with straws so I made sure she got one." He said. I nodded.

"Shane, what are we gonna do?" I heard Derek's voice say.

"Sure Derek walks straight into my room without knocking," Shane said walking out of his bathroom. I sat on the bed and Derek looked at me.

"I'm serious Shane. Kidnapping is a crime." Derek said. Shane folded his arms.

"Killing is a crime but your ok with that." He said. It didn't surprise me to hear this.

"This is different and you know it. Lola is the sweetest girl in school. Why would he want her out of all people?" Derek asked. I felt happy someone was sticking up for me.

"Derek it's kind of personal for him." He said. Derek sat next to me.

"Who cares. All he's ever done to you was telling you what to do and what you are doing wrong." Derek said. Shane clenched his fist. I stood up and grabbed his hands. Which I'm guessing surprised him by the way he froze.

"Derek I'm fine ok? You're just angering him." I said. Derek nodded.

"As long as you promise your fine." He said standing up. I nodded.

"I will be fine. Did you get my backpack? I need my medication." I said. He nodded.


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