~Chapter 5~

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I swallowed the tiny pill and set my cup down. Derek sighed and got up. "I'm calling it a night." He said. I looked at Shane who had been standing by the wall for 40 minutes without talking. "I'll see you both tomorrow." He said. I nodded and watched him leave. I turned to Shane.

"You have mumbled a word since I touched you. Did I do something wrong?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Yeah, don't ever touch me again." He said. I looked away.

"So I'm here to sleep with you but I can't touch you? Wow, what a rough night that will be." I mumbled grabbing my bag. He got off the wall and stood in front of me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"My room. Your father said it next door. Bars on the window and the door locks from the outside. Not that I would run away. I doubt I'm in any real harm here." I said. He crossed his arms and clench his jaw.

"Why must he treat you like an animal?" He asked. I was now crossing my arms.

"Says the one who called me an 'it'." I scowled. I walked past him and walked to my room. I opened the door and closed it. It was a purple decor and the blankets were flowers. I admire the person who did this taste. My room at my house had a hole in the middle of the floor. The bed was a blow-up. And all my clothes fit in a small basket. But here the dresser was filled with clothes. A little larger than my size but I could just barely fit them. The bed was a real one. There was a bathroom that leads to Shane's bathroom. I sat my bag down and walked around my room.

"You like it?" I heard his voice. I turned and looked at him. "Our maid set it up. I hope the clothes fit." He said.

"They're too big," I said.

"No, they're not. Once you start getting bigger you will need them." He said. I glared at him. "Watch the way you look at me young lady wouldn't want a repeat of earlier." He said.

"Shane won't let you-."

"My son has a weak spot for weak creatures. You see this thing with you has to be done. Once you have that child you will be free to leave. We won't need you anymore. And my son will realize everything I've for him is overrule the allusion of love." He said. I felt my back grow cold. I went to back up but arms wrapped around me. I didn't need to see who it was.

"Father you should probably knock before coming into her room. She could have been dressing." Shane said. I knew these two had hatred for each other but there was some love in there too.

"Oh, I wasn't hurting anybody. Lola and I were having a friendly chat." He said. I looked up at Shane.

"Go get one of my shirts and wear it to bed." He said. I went to go ahead and walk past Peter but Shane grabbed my arm. "Go through the bathroom." He said. I nodded. I walk in his room and sat on the bed. Going through people closet was never my favorite. I figured I would just wait until he got in here.

"I thought we agreed she was my reasonability?" I heard Shane say. By the tone of his voice, you could tell he was angry.

"I was just checking in," Peter said.

"No. If you want me to do give you what you want then you will give me what I want. Space. For me and her." Shane said. Was this baby thing what Peter's idea? I sighed. It made sense. Shane was trying to impress Peter. Or trying to get Peter off his back. I sighed and realized my phone has been in my back pocket. I take it out and of course a million texts from Freya about how my 'talk' with Derek went. Totally backfired. I went to text her and tell her I'll explain tomorrow but my phone was snatched out of my hand. "I thought we talked about this. If you be good you won't need to be taught a lesson." Shane said. I crossed my arms.

"I was just going to tell her good night. If I wanted to leave I would have walked out of this room when I had the chance. Besides you never checked me for my phone there for no rules broken." I said. He rolled his eyes. He turned to his closet.

"Do you honestly expect me to let you go in here knowing there's a way you can run? I have a guard outside of my room and yours. My father has one following him everywhere he goes." He said. I couldn't help but feel hurt he didn't trust me. He turns back to me and holds out a shirt. "Here." He said. I look at it and walk away into my room. I shut the bathroom door on my side and made sure Peter was completely gone. I stripped out of my clothes and slipped on Shane's t-shirt that was really cozy. I slipped into the covers and felt lucky that for the time being, I had an actual room to call mine. I soon dozed off.

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