~Chapter 51~

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I get out of the bed after talking to Mack and head down to Derek’s room. Derek was walking out of the room as I turned the corner. He smiled. His light was back. It made me happy. “Hey, princess.” He said. I hugged him.

“Hey,” I said.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. I pulled back from the hug.

“Mack is on his way to pick her up,” I said. He looked hurt.

“She’s gonna leave? But I just got her back.” He said. I nodded.

“You are going to. But I need her phone.” I said holding out my hand. He handed her to me. “Do not use your phone around her or Mack. Use in case of something happens. I need you to pack a bag and leave right when he gets here. The sooner she’s out of all this the better. She is not to have a phone at all and not to know you have one.” I said.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Last time something this serious happened she tried to kill herself,” I said. He nodded. “I need her to be healthy and come home happy,” I said. I turned around and went past the gym. I stopped and turned to it. The lights were off and it was quiet. I took a deep breath and walked in. I went to the secret door. I walked down the steps carefully and saw him hanging on a wall. Dried up blood was all over his chest. I opened the door and walked in closing it. He didn’t even bother to look who it was. He just looked defeated. “Marco is dead,” I said while taking a seat in the chair that was in front of him. He picked up his head and looked at me.

“My son finally let you in here? Or did you take the risk?” He choked out. I looked over to see water on the table. I got up and poured some and walked over to him tilting it for him to drink. He took a big sip. I moved it and sat back down.

“I wasn’t worried about getting hurt,” I said.

“Why are you in here? Do you want revenge for what I did to you?” He asked.

“No,” I said. I got up and grabbed a knife. His eyes widened as I walked over to him.

“What are you doing?” He asked. I cut the rope that was holding his arms and legs. He goes to fall to the ground but I help him from falling. He coughed. “Shane will hate you for going against him.” He breathed. I set him on the chair.

“People deserve a second chance no matter how fucked up they have been,” I said. He nodded.

“I’m sorry I hurt you. I know no amount of apologies are going to make up for my mistakes but I hope I can try and be a better person.” He said. I nodded. “You know my son won’t let me leave.” He said. I walked up to the door and opened it. Shane stood with his arms crossed. He looked pissed. I was too tired and drained to care.

“You were told not to go near him weren’t you?” He asked. I nodded. “You were told not to go in the gym were you not?” He asked. I nodded again. “Yet you went behind my back and did those exact things and you untied him.” He said. I nodded. He was getting more pissed. “I will deal with you later.” He said pointing at me. I shook my head.

“You’ll deal with me now. Shane, you may not think he deserves a second chance but he does. Whether you like it or not he is still your father.” I said. He took a step forward in the room making me back up. He shut the door behind him with his foot and continued walking towards me. I kept backing up until my back hit the wall. He stared down at me.

“You do not go behind my back. You do not question me. And most importantly you do not untie my prisoners.” He said. I rolled my eyes.

“I did all of those things. What are you going to hurt me? Good because at least it was worth it.” I said. He punched the wall above me.

“Stop fucking talking.” He growled. I flinched. “You make me so mad.” He said.

“Leave her alone son,” Peter said. Shane smiled and turned to him.

“That’s funny. You know before you fucking hurt her I didn’t get a chance to stop you. You laid your hands on her and didn’t think twice. You are lucky she’s not herself because she would have killed you. You are even luckier she’s in here or I would be skinning you alive.” Shane said.

“I know you hate me for the shit I’ve done but you have to realize all I’ve done was for you to be stronger. I wasn’t able to fight my demons but you can and did.” Peter said.

“My demons? You do realize you are my demon? You took everything from me. You made my mother insane. You didn’t bother to save my sister. You gave my brother away to a crazy person. You tried to kill me and then you tried to kill my girl. You may have thought Marco was my demon but you are dead wrong.” Shane said. Peter looked down.

“I was trying to be a good father. Trying to be someone my father wasn’t and all I did was cause you more harm than anyone could. I am your demon.” He said.

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