~Chapter 101~

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Jessie's P.O.V

I walk into Mike's office and throw a folder on his desk filled with pictures of Lola. He looks up from his computer to look at me. "Where were you last night?" I sit down in the chair in front of him with a bored expression. 

"At Lola's house," He nods slowly as he folds his hands. 

"What were you doing there?" 

"Getting information as you asked. Those are the pictures to prove it." He hums as he glances at the folder. 

"If I open this is anything going to be new?" I shake my head. 

"As I told you before, Lola is holding up to her end of the deal. She hasn't even told Shane that you are alive. Or Lee for that matter." He looks at me. 

"So you have nothing new you want to tell me about my daughter?" 

"Well, I heard Lola talking to Freya about a baby shower." He raises his eyebrow with amusement. 

"A baby shower?" I nod. 

"Freya suggested and offered to throw it for Lee and Lola. They are having it at Freya's brother's house I guess." He hums as he sits back in his chair. 

"How does Shane feel about this baby shower?" 

"When Derek told him about it he flipped out," He chuckles. 

"I might have to go to this baby shower myself." I smile. 

"I'll let you know when I get more information on it," He nods. 

"Thank you, Jessie." I stand up and walk to the door. I stop and turn to him. 

"Do you know what Ryan has been up to lately?" He shakes his head. 

"No, why?" I shrug. 

"I think he's starting to question your leadership." He raises his eyebrow. 

"Why would you think that?" 

"Because he's been following me around as if I can't do my job. I could have sworn you told him to stay away from Lola after he threatened her," 

"I'll handle Ryan," I nod and walk out the room. I smirk as I pull out my phone. I get to my car and dial a number. 

"Hello?" Shane's voice said. I stare at the warehouse door. 

"Mike bought it," I said as Ryan walks out the door. 

"I'll relay the message," I hang up and roll my window down as Ryan comes up to my door. He gives me a dry laugh. 

"You told Mike on me? How cold," I roll my eyes. 

"Lola hasn't noticed me watching her yet and I plan to keep it that way. With you shadowing me she will notice. I suggest you do as your told and stay in your corner." He glares at me. 

"I don't trust you, Jessie. You are a snake." I hum. 

"A snake? I've been with Mike since the beginning. You have only been here for a few years. Do not question my loyalty to Mike. You will be highly disappointed." He stands up straight. 

Lola's P.O.V

I walk into the warehouse with Lee. He gives me a small smile as he grabs my hand. Derek walks up to us with a pissed-off look. He glares at Lee. "You have no right to be here," He said. Lee scuffs. 

"We came for Duke not for you," I tug on Lee's arm causing him to look at me. 

"Stop that," He scuffs. 

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