~Chapter 14~

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2 Weeks later

When went back to the house and I went to the art room. James ruined my school art but not here art. I went into the camera printing room and looked around. Boxes piled in a corner and I grabbed one sitting down on the stool that was in here. I first pulled out a yellowish envelope. It read 'sun lake with the Grey's 2010'. My guess was they were pictures from 8 years ago. When I opened it there was like 30 pictures in it. The first one I looked at had 3 kids in it. Shane, Hallie, and to my surprise James. They were in their swimsuits smiling. There were about 15 of just them. Funny faces and dunking each other underwater. Another one had a brown haired lady. Different from the lady Peter was with. She was smiling up at Peter as he kissed her hand. A few more of those and then one that really stood out to me. Peter and Shane together. They were throwing horseshoes.  They were happy. I smiled and put the pictures back in the envelope.

Another envelope that read 'dinner night with the Grey's 2014'. I opened it up and about 30 more photos. I grabbed the first one and it was Hallie and Shane putting spoons on their noses. A few of those and then a few of Peter and that brown haired lady again. They were kissing this time. In the corner of the picture, Shane was looking at them smiling. They looked so happy. Only this time James wasn't with them. Which grew a question in my head. What happened between 2010 and 2014? I put those pictures back.

I grabbed the last envelope in the box. It read 'the Grey boys'. I smiled when the first picture was of Shane and his dad working on a car with James holding a red toolbox. The next photo was Shane and James laying in the lawn having a snowball war. Hallie stood on the porch just watching them with a huge smile. The next picture was James and Hallie playing with play dough. There were only 20 pictures in this one. The last picture in the envelope was of Peter and Shane hunting. I put those pictures back in their envelope.

I looked in the box to see a lingering picture. I picked it up and read the back. 'Shane and his favorite girl 2016'. I turned it over and it was Shane standing on a front porch looking at something in the distance. When I looked it shocked me. The person he was looking at was me. I was walking home from school. I had my hair curled. And was wearing a dress with flowers on it. I was looking at a cat that day. Shane was bent over a porch ledge staring at me. I put the envelopes in the box and put the box back. I stare at the picture. The mailbox read 2012. And that was right on my street. I put the picture back in the box and left the room just as Shane walks into the art room.

"How are you feeling?" Shane asked me. I gave him a confused look.

"I'm doing just great," I said. I walked over to the sink and washed my hands.

"I got you something." He said. I looked at him as I go to grab a paper towel. There wasn't any. He walks over and drys my hand in his shirt. His face so close I could smell the caramel mint of his breath.

"You wouldn't have to do that if you had a paper towel in every room you think I'll go in," I said. I looked up at him as he smirks a little.

"I have no problem with it cupcake." He said. I felt my hand for wet spots and I found one. He chuckled and grabbed my hand. "I wasn't done." He said. My breathing hitched. He wiped my hand slowly. I started at his eyes for a second then my eyes went down to his lips. Then I looked down. I felt my hand and it was ok. I took a step back.

"Thanks," I said softly. He walked back over to the counter he set something down on. He walked back over to me.

"I got you a camera." He said. I grabbed it out of his hands as he reached it for me to grab. I looked at it carefully. It was blue and perfect. There was a camera stand connected to it. I smiled. I pointed over to the window where the sun was peeping out from.

"Sit," I said. He looked over at the spot then untucked his hands from his pockets and took off his jacket and sat on the floor by the window. He stared at me. "Smile," I said.

"I don't smile." He said. I put my hand on my hip.

"Fine then. I'll just quit my art." I said. He smiled.

"You're so dramatic." He said. I snapped a picture as his eyes were peering up at me with his smile.

"Thanks," I said. He looked out the window. I looked too to see his father leaving. I snapped a picture as he had a look of lonely on his face. "Can I ask you a question?" I said. He looks at me. "What happened to you and James?" I asked. He got up and put his jacket back on.

"My uncle happened. My father made a deal with him. He gets the first child of his and mine and James's until he dies. It does not get past down at all. My uncle destroyed James. He uses to be so loving but he ruined him." He said. I looked down.

"So what happens if he doesn't get the child?" I asked. He put his hands in his pockets.

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