~Chapter 81~

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I walk back into the club to it being filled with people and music. I look around and there seemed to be more people than the first day. I walk past the bar and Kane smiles at me as he grabs his beer. "Hello, Lola." I give him a small smile.

"Hey, Kane. Where is Emma tonight?" 

"Ah, studying at some. She has some college test coming up." I nod slowly. 

"So you are here drowning out your loneliness?" He nods as he takes a drink of his beer. 

"I can't be with her when she's studying because she doesn't usually get much studying done." I shake my head. 

"Probably better if you are here." He frowns. 

"But is it really though?" 

"Well, word of advice? If you happen to show up at her house tonight don't do it drunk. Women do not like it." He nods as he sets his beer down. 

"Good to know." I look away and scan the crowd. "Hey is everything okay with you and Shane? I overheard you and him fighting earlier." I look at him. 

"Things between Shane and I have been a bit bumpy since he opened the club. His new assistant sure seems a bit grabby and flirtations." He chuckles. 

"You're jealous?" I shake my head. 

"I'm not jealous. I'm pissed that I barely have time with Shane and when I attempt to make the time I find another woman's hands all over him." He stands up. 

"Wait, what?" I nod. 

"He may not have liked it but from where I stood he didn't do anything to stop it." He locks his jaw. "It's okay, Kane. I'm sure Shane has a really good explanation." He nods. 

"Right," I look across the bar to see Shane's assistant sitting down next to Derek talking. She opens her mouth to say something when her eyes went on mine. She smiles. I glare at her. A hand on my lower back causes me to jump a bit. I look up to see Shane. He looks at me with a small smile and I look back at the girl. She smirks and turns her attention back on Derek. 

"Can we talk?" Shane asked. I walk up the steps and into his office. Duke was sitting down watching some chick dance in front of him. He looks at me and waves her off. 

"Hey, guys." I walk over to the window and watch the crowd of people. 

"Can we have some privacy?" Shane asked. 

"Yes, of course." Duke walks over to me and places a kiss on my cheek. "I'll be downstairs waiting on a dance." I give him a small smile. I watch him walk out and I look at Shane. 

"I'm sorry, baby." I fold my arms. 

"What for?" He sighs as he walks over to me. 

"For what Jackie did. I was going to say something and do something. I know I should have reacted faster than I did but I've been getting only a few hours of sleep and I'm so tired." I nod. 

"I would know. You are barely home." He nods. 

"I'm not trying to make excuses baby. I'm just telling you so you aren't too upset. I don't care if you are mad at me but I don't want you to be sad. I would never cheat on you. You are the only girl I ever want. You are more than enough for me." I smile as tears slide down my face. 

"You are cute when you want to be." He gives me a small smile. 

"I love you, Lola." 

"I love you too." He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead. I take a deep breath letting his scent flood my senses. He pulls back a bit. 

"What is Duke up to?" I giggle. 

"Well, he figures Kane found his woman so someone else has to get on your nerves by flirting with me." He groans. 

"Come on. Just when I thought I got a break." I giggle. He smiles and looks at me like I was the only girl in the world. For a second I thought my heart skipped a beat. He bends down and kisses me softly. When he pulls back he places his forehead to mine. 

"You know just how to take my breath away," I mumble. He smiles. 

"You take my breath away every time you walk into the room." I smile brightly. He takes a deep breath. "Come downstairs with me." I give him a confused look. 

"Why?" He grabs my hand. 

"So we can go hang out with our friends." We get to the dance floor where Derek was slow dancing with Freya. They smile at us as Shane places his hands on my waist. I place my hands around his neck. "You are really beautiful," Shane said. I smile up at him. 

"Thank you," He places his lips on mine. When I pull back I glance over his shoulder to see Lee sitting at a table watching me. He gives me a small smile and I give him a small one. He sips on his drink as his eyes roam my body. I suck in a breath of air causing Shane to look down at me. 

"Are you okay, baby?" I take a deep breath and smile at him. 

"I'm fine. I am going to get something to drink. Do you want something?" He shakes his head. I nod and walk to the bar. DJ smiles at me. 

"Hey, Lola," I take a sigh as I lean on the counter. 

"Jack please," 

"Woah, ruff night?" I look up at him. 

"No," He nods slowly. He walks away and I take another deep breath. 

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" I hear. I turn to my left to see Lee standing there. I stand up straight. 

"What?" He gives me an apologetic look. 

"I didn't mean to look at you like that. I was trying to be respectful it's hard when you are extremely good-looking." I let out a sigh. 

"No, you are fine, Lee. I just needed a breath of air. It's kind of hot in here." He nods slowly as DJ places my drink down. 

"And yet you are drinking?" I look at it. 

"Please, don't take this the wrong way but I need you to leave me alone," I said looking at him. He gives me a small smile. 

"I came over here for a drink without realizing you were already over here. I don't mean to get in between you and your boyfriend." I nod slowly and down my drink. I walk away and walk back over to Brax. He looks behind me. 

"Who is that guy you were talking to?" I look back at Lee as he orders a drink. 

"Just some guy I met the other day." He hums. 

"I don't like the way he looks at you." I roll my eyes. 

"Guys are going to look but what you should be worried about is who I'm looking at." His eyes go down to mine as I look into his. He smiles. 

"You are amazing," I giggle. 

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