~Chapter 63~

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"Aye, my favorite is is here," Mack said as we get out of the car. Freya smiled. "Hi Lola," he said taking me into his arms. I giggled knowing he was just trying to get under Freya's skin.

"Jerk," she said. He turned to her.

"Oh don't worry you are my number one favorite Brother," he said. She hit his arm. "Kidding," he said hugging her. She smiled.

"Mack there's someone I'd like you to meet," I said. He looked at me and turned to Adam. "This is Adam. My brother." I said. They shook hands.

"Nice to meet you," Adam said. Mack nodded.

"Same as you," he said. He turned to Shane.

"And this is Shane. Lola's lover." Freya said. I couldn't help but notice anger in Macks' eyes. Shane took out his hand.

"I've heard a lot about you," Shane said. Mack took his hand.

"As did I. You know you didn't have to kidnap her to be with her," he said. Shane looked down.

"A mistake that would never happen again," he said. Mack nodded.

"I'll keep your word on that," he said. Shane looked at me. My belly got butterflies. I turned away and walked inside.

"Nice place you got here," Adam said. Mack looked around.

"A little gift from my grandparents," he said.

"He gets a 3 story house and I get an old box of stuff," Freya said sitting on the couch. I giggled.

"Shouldn't talk that way about the dead," I said. She rolls her eyes.

"Bite me," she said. Derek comes in.

"Let's go swimming," he said. Mack chuckled.

"Pools outback. Bathrooms down the hall if you need to change. Towels on the shelf out there. Dinner will be done in 2 and a half hours." he said. Freya, Derek, and Adam all went outside. Shane sat on the couch next to me.

"You ok baby?" he asked. I nod. "You look at little pale," he said.

"Just tired that's all. Go swimming. I'm gonna go see if Mack needs help with anything." I said. He shook his head to protest but I walked away before he could. I walked into the kitchen as Mack pulls his lips off a brown-haired girl. I smiled.

I cleared my throat. They both looked at me. "Sorry I was gonna come and see if you needed any help with cooking," I said. He smiles.

"Lola is this Macy. My girlfriend," he said. I walk up to her.

"It's nice to meet you, Macy," I said. She smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

"I've heard so much about you," she said.

"I wish I could say the same. But things in my life got a little complicated." I said. She nods.

"I understand," she said.

"If you want to help cook you can help cut onion and other stuff," she said. I nodded.

"Do you need me, baby?" Mack asked her. She shook her head.

"Go on and have fun. I'll let you know when the food is done," she said. He kissed her cheek and walked out.

About an hour passed and we were enjoying each other's company. And cooking together. We found out we had a lot in common. Shane came in every 5 minutes to make sure I was ok and would leave.

"Lola, can you do me a favor?" she asked. I looked at her.

"What's up?" I asked.

"There's some oil in the pantry will you grab some?" she asked. I nod. I carefully walked down the hall and passed the window watching everyone swimming. I smiled and continued walking. I turn the corner and pass another window. It was the side of the house. I glance outside while walking and saw a grey thing. I stopped and turned. I noticed it was James' car.

I walked out the side door and took five steps before being hit with something on my head. I fell to the ground and looked at her. Ava?

"You know when you stood up for me I was surprised. You almost seemed like you cared for me," she said. I panted.

"I do," I said through the pain. She giggled.

"If you did you wouldn't have killed my dad and you wouldn't be alive. You see Marco made me promise that if anything happened to him that you die. Shane and James were his. He didn't like you melding with his business. And frankly, I am happy I'm the one who gets to kill you." she said. I closed my eyes.

My head hurt and my stomach. I opened my eyes just as her foot went straight for my stomach. I cried out in pain. "That's for my dad," she said. She kicked me again. "And that's for what your dad did," she said. Two more kicks and than she dug a knife in my chest. "This time you don't get to cheat death," she said.

I brought my hand down to my stomach to see blood everywhere. Tears fell from my eyes as I closed them. I didn't bother to cry because I didn't have it in me. I just laid there and let it happen. Her footsteps were heard walking away and the car starting and leaving.

I began feeling completely cold, num. "Shane!" I heard someone scream. I barely opened my eyes wide enough to see Shane rushing to my side. He looked at me in fear. "Hey, baby you gotta keep them beautiful eyes open for me. Ok?" he asked. I blinked and barely was able to open them. "Call 911!" he yelled.

"I already did," Mack yelled. Freya was crying and Adam looked worried. I noticed a tear fall from Shane's eye.

"Lola comes on, princess," he said. But I was just so tired. I closed my eyes.

Shane's P.O.V

"Hey, Lola how-." I stopped as I got in the kitchen to see Macy alone. She looked up at me.

"She's not in here," she said. I turned to the living room but she wasn't sitting down. "She went to grab some more oil. I'll go get here," she said. I nodded. I took out my phone to see a message.


     Hey, lover thanks for the freedom. I'm really enjoying it. And I'll enjoy it, even more, when she's gone.

"Shane!" I heard Macy yell. I ran to her and saw blood.

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