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''Wait a second,'' Ryuju said as they arrived in heaven. The others looked back at him and saw that he was looking at his book.

''What is it?'' Jihoon asked, and approached the distressed man. Ryuju placed his lips in a thin line before closing his eyes and deeply exhaling.

''I don't know how that's possible, but I have a soul to reap in about half an hour. They're never this late.'' He furrowed his brows and pushed up his glasses, his eyes scanning the paper in front of him.

''How do you think that would be?'' Jeonghan approached him and looked down at the page in the reaper's book.

''It has never happened to me before, but I think it's possible that his death date changed suddenly.'' He looked over at Jeongham who stared at the paper with wide eyes. Ryuju blinked in confusion and looked back at the page, then back at him and back to the page.

''What- Anyway, it's a strange case but it says here that they're going to get murdered on the 15th of June, at 2:46 in the morning. It was recently changed, which could only mean that the man who's going to murder them escaped death.'' Ryuju put his hand on his chin, staring at the floor.

''That is possible?'' Seungkwan furrowed his eyebrows and got closer, peeking at the page himself. His eyes widened as well as he quickly dragged  Seokmin to look at the page as well.

''What- no. H-how?'' Seokmin let out as a tear rolled down Jeonghan's cheek.


The night was peaceful, there wasn't a sound to be heard. A light wind blew over the trees and carried leaves with it. Autumn was starting already.

The sky was clear, stars and the moon shining bright like it was daytime. A tall man with ripped clothes made his way through the woods. He held a dagger in one of his hands as he swayed back and forth.

He made his way from the woods and across the street, slowly walking towards a white apartment building.

The door was unlocked, and he entered the building. His messy hair was seen when the automatic lights turned on. He dragged his bloody hands across the white wall, leaving red marks on it. His crazy eyes darted all over the place as he stumbled into the wall.

||||||||''H-hey, what are you doing? Don't kill me!'' A young woman lay on the floor, staring up at the crazy man in front of her. He had kidnapped her when they met at a club.

''I haven't done anything to you! Let me go!'' The man shook his head as he pulled out his dagger from his back pocket. The woman screamed again as she tried to get up to run away, but the man kicked her back, forcing her to faceplant on the moist dirt floor.

''Dudududu~ Don't try to run away, you can't hide~'' He gripped the dagger harder and smiled wickedly as he started approaching her.

''No! Help! Someone help!'' She yelled, she felt her heart was going to explode, that's how fast it was beating. She managed to stand up and run away but tripped on a piece of wood. The man wasn't in a rush but was rather slowly approaching her.

She stood up yet again and reached under her dress. She pulled out a gun and with shaky hands, pointed it at him. Her finger wrapped around the trigger.

''Stop, or I'll shoot!'' The man now started running towards her and she screamed, pulling the trigger.

Nothing happened.

''Dudududu~ now you all die.'' A chainsaw went through the woman's torso, blood squirting everywhere. Some of her organs spilled out and she fell dead on the floor.

The man blinked in confusion as he saw someone behind her. It was a man, way skinnier and taller than him. He had red hair that reached his ankles and was dressed rather formally. In his hands was a chainsaw, way longer than a normal one. The blood dripped from it, getting all over his suit.

The man looked rather scared at the strange man. He stared into his bright green eyes that were looking over his glasses. From each side of his glasses hanged a red string, decorated with little skulls.

''Now, you're next- Oh, you're running away?'' The man bolted out of there. He had no intention to die. He looked behind him, seeing the man not moving an inch from his place. Instead, he was grinning at him with sharp white teeth.|||||||||||||

The man walked up the stairs and knocked on the first door he saw.


Joshua heard a knock on his door in the middle of the night. He quickly woke up, still dazed from suddenly being woken up. The knocking didn't stop and he was slowly starting to get suspicious.

Knocking turned into banging and now Joshua was scared. He quickly ran to his bedroom to grab the phone to call the police. The sound of the phone felt very loud in the quiet house.

''911, what's your emergency?'' A female voice rang out from the other side.

''I think someone is trying to break into my apartment, my address is xxx.'' He whispered into the phone. The dispatcher responded with an 'okay' before asking him more questions.

He suddenly heard the banging stop and a slow, creaky sound echoed in the apartment, followed by slow steps. He dropped the phone on the floor and with tears in his eyes, moved behind his bed. He could hear the woman calling out to him, but he was frozen. 

Joshua started to panic, the man had managed to get in. Was he going to die? Was this the way his sad, single life was going to end?

The steps started approaching the bedroom and stopped in front of his door. He heard the door knob twist and the door open. He stared in horror as a man, all bloody and dirty, grinned and started walking towards him.

He backed into the wall and started crying more.

''No, please, don't- aaargh!'' He screamed as the man stabbed him in the stomach with a dagger. The man started laughing hysterically and left the bedroom, leaving the barely alive Joshua inside.

"P-please-" He chocked out as black spots began forming in his field of vision.

It didn't hurt, not at all. Maybe he was in too big of a shock still. He was grateful for the adrenalin, it was making his final moments painless.

Tears streamed down his eyes as he thought of his family and Seungcheol. He was going to leave him too, he couldn't imagine how that would be for him.

Lightning flashed and the bright light illuminated the room, exposing another figure that appeared in the room all of a sudden. The figure had bread white wings and was dressed completely in white.

"A couple of more moments." Another voice spoke behind him, but he was too weak to turn around. The figure before him crossed their arms and nodded. Lightning flashed again and he could see another figure beside that one as the light made his glasses flash.

He didn't know what they were talking about, and he was too tired to care. It was harder and harder to keep his eyes open. He could hear sirens outside, but even that went over his head.

With one last breath, he dropped his head to the floor.

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