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''Oh, Seungcheol,'' Jeonghan said while sitting on the hospital bed, out of his body. He tried touching Seungcheol's face, to maybe comfort him and tell him that he's okay, but he couldn't. His hand went through him. He blinked and stared at his hand before trying to touch the bedside table. His hand went through it as well.

''What the-'' Suddenly a bright light illuminated the room and above Jeonghan morphed a white cloud. He tried to move, but he felt himself freeze. He saw a hand reach through, pulling him by his shirt up into the cloud.

''What?'' He suddenly stood before big golden gates, everywhere he looked were white clouds and everything was blue. He saw a giant palace that looked miles away from him, but at the same time, it looked like it was right at the gates.

He turned around, seeing he was on the last step of a never-ending staircase. He stepped towards the edge of the step, looking into the void. It was pitch black, and it somehow terrified him. He quickly retreated from the edge and looked around more.

Suddenly bells chimed, making Jeonghan flinch and fall to the ground. 

''You don't want to fall down there.'' He heard a voice say, making him snap his head around where he saw three, what looked like, angels. They each wore different types of white clothing and two out of the three had white wings.

''Who are you?'' Jeonghan asked while standing up. The three chuckled before lining in front of the boy and introducing themselves.

''Hi, my name is Seokmin, but call me DK! I was the one that pulled you into the cloud.'' The tallest one of them said with a huge smile on his face. He was the only one with wings, they were white and it looked like they were made from feathers.

''Hi, my name is Seungkwan Boo. Nice to meet you.'' The slightly shorter one said in English, making Jeonghan chuckle. He was dressed similarly to DK, white baggy pants and a white shirt. The difference was that he didn't have the silver lining at the seams and collar like DK had. His forehead was decorated with a silver headband.

''And I'm Jihoon, very nice to meet you.'' The shortest one of them said. He was dressed exactly as DK and had white wings. He held a tablet with Jeonghan's picture and information.

''Wait, before we do anything, can we figure out what type of angel he is? Pretty please?'' DK jumped up and down in front of Jihoon, making the man sigh and facepalm. Jeonghan raised his eyebrow.

''He first needs to step in so we can see,'' Jihoon said in a rather smart way and turned sideways towards the gates.

''Minghao, Jun, open the gates!'' He yelled and soon the golden gates started opening, creating a wind that blew Jeonghan in the face.

''Go in, go in, go in.'' DK chanted, making Jeonghan look at him confused. He did as he was told and stepped inside. A bright light illuminated him. When it stopped, he looked down, seeing his clothes changed to white baggy pants and an oversized white shirt with silver lining at the seams and collar. The same outfit as DK's.

''HE'S A GUARDIAN ANGEL, I REPEAT, HE'S A GUARDIAN ANGEL. OH MY GOD, YOU'RE SO COOL'' DK chirped and ran around him in circles. He raised his eyebrow in confusion again before feeling something on his back.

''OH MY. I have wings!'' He exclaimed which got applause from the shortest one.

''Been a while since we got ourselves a guardian angel. Welcome to the family.'' Jihoon smiled and nodded proudly. This was the first time he was excited for a newcomer.


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