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''Okay, weren't you three kicked out oh hey, is that the new guy?'' A man in a suit decorated with a golden chain and golden tie spoke. The four of them landed in front of the big doors.

''Hi, Soonyoung!'' Seokmin greeted one of them, who greeted him back.

There were two males outside and both of them were dressed in the same thing.

''No, the suspension is over today.'' Seungkwan proudly announced, making Jeonghan confused again.

''Come on, cheer up Vernon! I know you love me, so please let us in.'' Seungkwan blinked flirtatiously at Vernon, making him sigh.

''Okay, fine, but stop that, it's creepy.'' Seungkwan made an offended face.

''Excuse me, you-'' He was put into a headlock by Jihoon, who sheepishly smiled at Vernon before dragging him inside, leaving Seokmin and Jeonghan outside.

''So you're the new guy, huh?'' Soonyoung got close to Jeonghan's face, making him back away.

''Yes,'' Jeonghan replied quietly.

''Okay, my name is Soonyoung and this is Hansol, but you can call him Vernon. We're Seraphs, which means we work under God himself, but today we were assigned to guard the palace because we got a newcomer. I see now that you already found your guides.'' Soonyoung said with a big smile.

Jeonghan nodded and Seokmin and he said goodbye and entered the palace. There were lots of decorations all over the doors and the walls inside. A staircase was towards the end of the room that split into two directions. In the middle of those two staircases was a massive throne. The throne was so big Jeonghan didn't think that he could even get on it without flying.

There was a red carpet on the floor and pictures were everywhere. Jeonghan stared at the throne in awe when he suddenly heard snickering beside him.

''It's funny how you look at that.'' Seungkwan got out before falling into laughter.

''Hey, you were like that when you first came here,'' Jihoon answered.

''What?'' Jeonghan asked Jihoon who grinned in response.

''Seungkwan was the one that came before you,'' Jeonghan nodded and stared at the throne.

''But why is it so big?'' He asked.

''That's God's throne. He's not here currently, but will be back soon.'' A new voice spoke, Jeonghan turned sideways to see a black-haired male in the same clothing as Soonyoung and Vernon. He pushed his glasses up as he made his way towards them.

''If it's not Jeon Wonwoo or Mr. Smarty pants,'' Seungkwan said while crossing his arms.

''Stop before I kick you out again. I shall escort the newcomer myself, God wants to talk to you three.'' All of them went pale, and nodded slightly, letting Wonwoo take Jeonghan up the stairs.

''So, what type are you? Were you the one that suspended them?'' Jeonghan asked the slightly taller male, making him smile again.

''I'm a Scrap as well, I assume you met Soonyoung and Vernon already. Oh, and yes, I was the one that suspended them. I could do that since I'm a rank above them.'' Wonwoo explained and Jeonghan nodded again.

''Ranks?'' Jeonghan raised his eyebrow. Wonwoo took a deep breath.

''There are angel ranks. The top rank just below god is Scraps, then there are Cherubs, then Guardian Angels, and on the bottom, normal angels. Your rank usually depends on the time you spent here. Unless you were already a Guardian Angel when you came, you start as a normal angel-like Seungkwan.'' Jeonghan nodded and looked forward. He was still wondering about one thing.

''How long until your rank changes?'' Wonwoo bit his lip but decided that he should tell him since he's here already.

''It also depends on God and what he thinks will suit you, like if you start as an Angel, after some time God decides which rank to put you in. Many of the souls here are still Angels and were here longer than me. My rank is permanent as is everyone's that you saw.''

''Still, how much time do you need to be here to move up from Angel rank to other ranks?'' He asked again, making Wonwoo bite his lip yet again.

''Uhm... about 100 years? Maybe more, I don't remember exactly.'' He put his hand on his chin while Jeonghan looked at him surprised. Wonwoo suddenly stopped, making Jeonghan do that as well.

''Anyway, here is your room. That's where you will live from now on. Jihoon's and Seokmin's are right next to yours on the left.'' Jeonghan nodded and entered the room. He turned around but Wonwoo was gone already.

He closed the doors and looked at his new room. The walls were painted silver, there was a bed on the left, a table beside it and the right was a door to the bathroom as well as a closet. The floor is decorated with a red rug.

I think I'm going to like it here.

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