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''How long until this works?'' Seungcheol said in a shaky and quiet voice, but luckily the nearby nurse heard him.

''Usually, two times is enough.'' He turned around to him, putting on his brave face.

''What then?'' Seungcheol looked down.

''Excuse me?'' The nurse raised his eyebrow.

''What if it doesn't work then?'' He asked and looked up at the nurse with teary eyes. The nurse put on a frown and sighed.

''I don't know, kid.'' He turned his head again to Jeonghan.

''What's his name?'' The other doctor asked him, Seungcheol murmuring 'Jeonghan.'

''It's Jeonghan?'' Seungcheol nodded and the doctor wrote something on a piece of paper.


They soon pulled up in a hospital where he was quickly wheeled into a hospital room. He tried running after him but was stopped by the nurses who forced him to wait and sit outside of the room while they dealt with him.

''This defibrillator is stronger. It might work.'' One of the doctors exclaimed. He put the silver iron-like things on his hands and commanded the nurse to turn it on, which she did.

''Okay, one, two, three, shock!'' He pushed the iron things on his chest which jerked the boy up. They looked at the line, seeing it was still flat. No heartbeat. Not even a single beat. It was useless.

''How long has it been flat?'' The doctor asked, now completely stopping and now rushing anymore. The nurse looked at his watch.

''It's going to be 10 minutes, sir.'' The nurse responded. The doctor sighed and took his gloves off.

''Patient, Yoon Jeonghan, critically injured.'' He stated and glanced at the clock in the room.

''Time of death, 18th of April, 2020 at 10:58 pm.'' He sighed and everyone's face dropped.


''Your friend, uhm-'' The doctor started, awkwardly scratching his neck while standing next to Seungcheol who was sitting on the bench outside, looking at the floor.

''He's dead, isn't he?''

''Yes, I'm so sorry, kid. We tried everything. Do you have his parents' number?'' Seungcheol just pulled his phone out of his pocket, handing it to the doctor without saying anything.

''Can I see him.'' It was more of a statement than a question, but he finally looked up at the man, seeing him nod his head. Seungcheol stood up and went into the room where he saw Jeonghan on the bed, not yet covered with sheets.

His face was pale, but he still looked beautiful as ever. He shut the door and gulped before sitting down next to his bed on a chair. He grabbed his hand and held it tight. It was so cold, even colder than before. He choked up tears before humming a song.

''You always listened to this song.'' He smiled and started singing while tears freely fell down his cheeks.

''As I feel my lips that used to always call you to go completely dry, I realized it then, like habitual words that I used to yearn and call for you. I want to embrace you and laugh as I did back then.''

''I want to tell you that I miss you, now that you're gone.'' He choked up another sob but continued.

''The habit of calling you, I live on without being able to forget it because of you'' He sang before slowly falling asleep.

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