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''YOON JEONGHAN, WAKE UP THIS INSTANT! YOUR ALARM HAS BEEN GOING OFF FOR 15 MINUTES.'' A loud, booming voice threw Jeonghan off the bed like a rocket. He rubbed his eyes, finally hearing his alarm on his phone that was placed on his bedside table. He yawned and turned it on, seeing the time.


''I'M UP, MOM! Geez.'' He stood up and made his way towards his bathroom. See, Jeonghan was an only child which meant he was often the one his parents took the anger out on. He quickly dressed in blue ripped skinny jeans, a white tee and pink jacket.

After 5 minutes he looked at his phone again, only to see that he had about 15 minutes left till the school started. He grabbed his bag, his phone and dashed out the door to his car, not saying bye to his mother or father. He sat in, turned on his radio and drove out of the drive way onto the road.

''What songs do I have?'' He switched radio stations about 10 times before hearing a familiar tune. He turned it up, dancing a bit to it.

''Sunday morning, rain is falling, steal some covers, share some skin.'' The singer sang, making Jeonghan turn the volume up even more. His ears were ringing from the loud sound, but it was okay. It was his favorite singer after all.

Joshua Hong.

He was a Korean-American singer based in the states, and he always wanted to go to his concert. The tickets got sold out every time the latter came to Korea for his tours though. The reason of the tours being that he still wanted to stay in contact with his roots and work on his written and spoken Korean.

''Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable. You twist to fit the mold that I am in.'' Jeonghan sang along while pulling into the university drive way, trying not to hit anything or anyone and trying to find an ampty spot to park in.

When he finally found one, he parked, grabbed everything and made his way inside the school.

''Hey Hannie!'' Jeonghan pushed back his hair and turned around, facing his friend of many years. Choi Seungcheol.

Seungcheol was Jeonghan's friend since pre-school, they didn't get along well at first, but they became great friends. Seungcheol was a bit taller than Jeonghan, more buff and had pitch black hair and eyes. This particular day, he rocked his bed hair as well.

''Hi, Cheollie. You're late as well, I assume?'' Jeonghan raised his eyebrow in amusement at his friend who was panting before him, his arms on his knees. The older raised his head and nodded.

''I'm not suprised.'' Jeonghan shook his head and turned on his hells, walking away from Seungcheol. The black haired man smirked and rose up.

''Likewise.''He took of in a different direction, them having different classes.

''Look who decided to show up. You're not as late today as you are on normal days Mister Yoon Jeonghan.'' His teacher, Ms. Kim exclaimed. He just smiled awkwardly before getting hit by all the stares in the room from his classmates.

''Surprise?'' He let out in a quiet voice. The teacher sighed and waved him off, not even bothering to give him a late attendace paper.

He made his way towards the back and sat down, now really dreading even coming to school. He prepaired for his 9 hour torture.


After almost falling asleep in his History class, which was luckily the last one of the day, he felt a buzz inside his lacket pocket. He took out his phone and hid it under the table, opening the message app.

Hey, wanna hang out? Meet me at JamJam cafe


I quickly hid my phone and waited till the class was over.

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