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''I'm a guardian angel? Aren't you all?'' He asked and Jihoon snorted at that. Seungkwan gave him a dirty look and stepped on his foot, making the shorter one cry out in pain. Jeonghan looked at the confused, but he only received a smile from DK and what looked like a forced smile from Seungkwan.

''As if.'' Jihoon laughed and Seungkwan put him in a chokehold, putting his hand over his mouth.

''No, don't listen to him, okay? Never, don't believe anything he says.'' Seungkwan said to Jeonghan who nodded hesitantly. Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows and flipped Seungkwan forward off himself.

''Hey, set personal feelings aside, okay? I'm not that untrustworthy'' Jihoon told Seungkwan, who shook his head and stood up. He looked at DK who nodded in return.

''No, not everyone is a guardian angel. There's only me, Jihoon and now you.'' He explained.

''So there's only 3 guardian angels?'' Jeonghan asked and Seokmin nodded.

''Yes. Hey Jihoon, does it say which person Jeonghan has?'' Jihoon nodded and looked down at his tablet. His eyes went wide and he looked up at them.

''Oh my-''

''What? Is something wrong?''

''I've never seen this before.'' Jihoon blinked at it.

''Tell us what is it,'' DK said again.

''He has two people, and one of them is the one you have.'' Jihoon looked up at Seokmin who just stared in shock. Jeonghan shifted on his feet uncomfortably.

''May I ask who do I have?'' Jeonghan asked and Jihoon told him two names. 

Seungcheol and Joshua. 

Jeonghan nodded and DK looked at him amazed.

''That's so cool.'' Jeonghan nodded in response.

''So, what types of angels are there?'' Jeonghan asked and Jihoon only gestured for him to follow him. He walked towards a watchtower on one of the sides of the gates and knocked. Soon noise erupted. It sounded like something fell and suddenly doors opened and a male stood there, cleaning dust off his attire.

''Visitors? Hey, Hao, you might want to come down here!'' He turned around, yelled, and another set of feet was heard coming down the stairs.

''Hey Jun, did you fall aga- Oh, hello!'' Minghao greeted and his eyes fell on Jeonghan. He smiled.

''I haven't seen you around here. You must be new!'' He gestured to Jeonghan who nodded shyly. The two had the same attire, but it was a lot different than theirs. They wore a white jumpsuit with a silver chain dangling off one of their pockets, and multiple pockets scattered throughout the entire thing. Their sleeves were rolled up to their elbows, making the fabric bunch up a bit.

''Right, you must be new. What brings you three here though?'' His smile fell a bit as his eyes landed on the three angels beside Jeonghan. More so on Seungkwan and Jihoon than on Seokmin.

''He is just interested in what angels there are, right?'' Jihoon said and Jeonghan nodded. Jun caught up and laughed.

''You should've said so then! My name is Jun, and this is Minghao.'' He gestured to the younger male standing next to him. Jeonghan nodded.

''We're Cherubs! We guard the gate here.''

Jeonghan nodded and after a bit more chatter they all left, making Minghao and Jun frown as they never had visitors and they weren't allowed to leave their assigned places. Maybe if they really had to, they could possibly send a message to God, but that never in their time here happened.

''Okay, you met some Cherubs. Now let's go visit the castle!'' Seokmin exclaimed and grabbed Seungkwan while Jihoon was helping Jeonghan fly. They flew through the place rather quickly, the castle ahead of them was huge. Bigger than anything he had ever seen.

It looked almost like out of a fairy tale.

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