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''Why are you going with us Jihoon?'' Seokmin asked and Jihoon looked at him with a 'are you serious?' look.

''Unlike your human and humans, mine is extremely dumb and I have to check on him from time to time to keep him out of trouble.'' Jihoon sighed.

''So what's the pan for?'' Jeonghan asked, eyeing the silver cooking tool in his arms. Jihoon looked at it and spun it.

''That's how I keep him out of trouble.'' Jeonghan decided that he won't question that as well and just roll with it.

''No wonder he's dumb'' Seokmin laughed.

''I've been meaning to ask this since yesterday, but why is the throne so big? How big is God?'' He asked again and Jihoon almost burst out laughing.

''Oh, the throne is a normal size. He's not big, it's just us that are small.'' Jeonghan's jaw dropped.

''Wait for a second, how big exactly are we?'' He slowly asked, making Seokmin put his hand on his chin, thinking.

''About the size of a hummingbird, why?'' Seokmin replied and Jeonghan didn't know what to say so he just shook his head. That's why everything looked so big.


It felt like Wonwoo sat there in the W pose for forever. He cleaned his glasses as much as he could before putting them back on. He took a deep breath.

''And everything is always my fault. Wonwoo do this, Wonwoo do that, Wonwoo don't be so stuck up, Wonwoo stop complaining, Wonwoo help me with this, Wonwoo help me with that, Wonwoo don't be so quiet, Wonwoo you talk too much...'' he went on and on while trying to free himself from the tar that has started to become solid already.

''What do y'all want from me?'' He mumbled.

Everything was ruined. His clothes, the paperwork, the carpet, his hair. Everything.

He didn't care at this point. He picked up what was left of the clean papers, making sure to not make them dirty too much. The majority of it was however useless and stuck to the tar.

He decided to first clean the mess up because he didn't want anyone to see it and then possibly blame him.

He didn't know if it was possible to remove it without changing the carpet. He thought for a moment before pulling out his pouch and pulling out a black rice-like thing.

''Hana, dul, set.'' He said and the rice thing grew, turning into a pocket knife. He simply cut the carpet with tar on it.

''Set, dul, Hana'' he said and the carpet shrunk. He simply replaced it with a new carpet and you probably wouldn't be able to tell that there was something spilled there in the first place.

He walked towards his dorm to clean himself off which was proven impossible. His glasses were ruined, he almost couldn't undress since the tar became solid.

He also had great difficult scrubbing it off his skin. He rubbed it so hard it turned red.

After a hot shower, he dressed into one of his spare attires and threw the old one into the bin. He did the same thing with his glasses and luckily he had many spares, so he picked one up.

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