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Hey Cheol hyung." Joshua slightly nudged his side to wake up seungcheol. Seungcheol then, opened his side and hurriedly stood up as he was flustered that he fell asleep on Joshua's couch.

"Hey what time is it?"

"it's 4:30 hyung"

"oh shoot! I have to go to the funeral service to pick up jeong--jeongmin," he stuttered and was shocked because he almost told jeonghan died and he was not ready to break his bestfriend's heart.

"okay hyung, my condolences to his family" Joshua said really fast cuz of Cheol who is running.


"um excuse me, where is mr yoon jeonghan?" she escorted me to the room and left me alone with my friend. I cried again for the 10th time as I remembered the death of my beloved friend.

"I am sorry you had to pass away jeonghan, I really am, I wished it was me, I hope you went to heaven just like the angel that you are, and I guess by now you know that Joshua is my friend. I'm sorry for keeping that from you, I promise I will do your last wish as my special gift to you. But not yet" he whispered the last sentence."


Jeonghan's family and I called every relatives they have left to see their beloved Jeonghan for the last time.

The next day..

All of his family members are already in his funeral and we all mourned for his death. We cried as hard as we can, to finally say goodbye to our angel.

Angels alike | y.jh + h.jsWhere stories live. Discover now