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''Do you think this is a good idea?'' said Seokmin as he, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, Jun, and Minghao were gathered around a book of sorts. It had thick covers and the pages were old.

''No, but you don't see me complaining. So, how should we do this?'' Jun flipped through the pages, eventually finding a page about grim reapers. He scanned through the page and snapped his fingers.

''Okay, so I don't think this would be as easy as we thought.'' He said and touched the book. He said something under his breath and the book lit up, and what looked like printed out a piece of paper and a pen.

''So what is this?'' Jeonghan picked up the paper and inspected it. He read it, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight.

''They aren't really serious, are they?'' He sighed.

''What is even happening?'' Seokmin blurted out.

''Reapers are all about organization, so we have to turn in paperwork for us to receive permission to go enter the library. Reapers aren't fans of angels so they might not even accept it.'' Jun said and grabbed the paper and the pen, filling it out. It was quite a detailed paper and he had to be precise, which wasn't like him at all. After he was done, he folded it and gave it to Minghao who placed it on the book and said something. The letter was gone.

''Now we just need to wait for their answer.''


The phone rang just as Joshua stepped out of the shower. He put a towel around himself and ran out to grab it.

''Sup, Seungcheol?'' He dried his hair a bit with the towel and put him on the speaker as he dressed in his pyjamas.

''Do you have time today? I thought we could maybe hang out.'' Joshua furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the time.

''It's 11 pm, isn't it a little late?'' He put him off the speaker and walked to his couch. 

''Oh, right. I just had a bad feeling that something was going to happen to you. Maybe I'm overreacting. Sorry, bye.'' He ended the call, Joshua blinked in confusion and shrugged. He got up from the couch and prepared himself hot chocolate. He laid down and soon fell asleep.


''We got something back!'' Jun exclaimed as he sat up and looked at the book. The others rose as well.

''That was fast, you'd think they would be swimming in paperwork,'' Seungkwan said as he watched Jun open the paper. Jun read it and jumped up.

''They approved of it! It says here that someone is gonna wait for us shortly at the gate between heaven and the Shinigami realm.'' He said and they all got up, except one.

''I think it's better if I stay here so that the won't be any trouble with God or Wonwoo and the others,'' Minghao said and smiled. Jun nodded and they all left the tower.

''Wait, where even is the gate to the other realm?'' Jun looked back and smirked. He motioned for them to follow him and he stopped in front of a bog trap door.

''So we have to go through there?'' Jun nodded and opened it, and soon wind blew in their faces as they saw a green mist. Jun jumped in, followed by the others.

''I still don't think it's a good idea.'' Seokmin hesitated before an arm reached from the mist, grabbing his foot and dragging him through. The trap doors closed shut.


''Holy- that was weird.'' Jun felt a chill down his spine. Jeonghan ran his hand through his hair and looked at the others.

''So you finally came?'' A person with a strong British accent said from behind them. Jeonghan flinched and turned around, seeing a man with blonde hair with a brown undercut. He was wearing a black suit, had green eyes, and on his nose sat thick-rimmed black glasses.

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