Chapter 21

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Jisoo's P. O. V

"The red dress is perfect for me, don't you agree? A woman my age has to excite things a little bit by wearing pretty dresses and jewellery." Aerin said winking at me. We have been shopping for two hours straight. After two hours she finally agreed with one of the random dresses that i kept picking at the stores. I gave her a tight smile.

Taehyung's words kept repeating in my mind, "I'm not going to lose you too." Who had he lost? What is he so afraid of? I rudely interrupted Aerin as she tells me another tale of Taehyung as a child.

"Who has he lost? I know it's his tale to tell, but I need to know. Yesterday he said that he's not going to lose me too." Aerin's face turns sad and suddenly she studies her food closely. I grabbed her hand and squeeze softly. "Please, I have to know. I don't understand and as long as i don't understand, things aren't going to be better. I need to know, please." My pleading seems to soften her as she looks at me. I can see her thinking so i sat quiet.

"When Taehyung was just a pup he fell down the stairs once. He was always running around with full energy and would fall a lot. His father tried to tone him down. He kept telling him that a Prince should not behave that way. So when Taehyung had blood on his clothes he creep into the maid section, knowing his father wouldn't step a foot there.He was searching for clothes when the pup of one of our Omega's walked in. She helped him get away with his fall and ever since that day they had become friends. Lia had energy just as fierce as Taehyung's but she was far beyond her age and also knew how to behave responsibly. She would always get Taehyung out of trouble, well.... Mostly." Aerin chuckled.

"His father liked Lia and the input she had on Taehyung so he allowed the friendship. Lia spent more nights at our house than her own. When they become teenagers their friendship turned into something more. They were convinced that they would be mated." Aerin looked at me in apology as jealousy took over me. "But Taemin didn't agree with their relationship, he said an Omega could not stand behind a King."

"Lia was determined to prove the king wrong. She trained day and night among the warriors to become strong. She secretly stole the books of how Princesses should behave and what was to be expected of them. Jungkook and Taehyung disagreed with her. They didn't want her to fight. Everyday she'd come home with torn clothes." I looked at her puzzled.

"What has Jungkook got to do with this?" I asked my mind.

"Jungkook was her brother. He hated Taehyung for turning his sister into an insecure wolf. They always fought though they had the same goal—to keep Lia safe. Lia however appeared to be good at what she did. She hot stronger and soon she was accepted as one of the warriors. She was the first female they took in here."

"When Lia and Tae were seventeen, we had an attack. Rogues were tried to kill the King." I have heard of this tale. Rogues thinking they are strong enough to take a whole pack, pfft. "Taemin locked Taehyung up in one of the safe rooms. Taehyung went crazy, he didn't know where Lia was. Jungkook searched all over the place, thinking she'd with Taehyung. When the fight was over Taemin let Taehyung out of the room. He and Jungkook searched for Lia. She was found surrounded by twelve dead rogues. All dead at her hand. They laid in a circle around her. She killed them all, but her injuries had killed her too. They sat by her body crying for hours. Nobody could pull them away from her."

"Taehyung was angry at his father for locking him up, for taking away the chance of saving her. He attacked him, but of course his father defeated him. Taemin showed him mercy when the rules told him he can kill his son for attacking the King. Taehyung and Jungkook became bonded by grief. Taehyung build the house he now lives in. Both him and Jungkook used to lock themselves up there for weeks, months even. Jungkook being unable to live in the house that smelled of his sister, the memories sticking on the walls, moved here. After the worse of pain had faded, Taehyung came out and stepped up as a Prince. He taught all the pups how to fight, he was studying day and night to be a suitable Prince, his energy has died the day Lia died.

One day he came to me with the tears in his eyes, holding my hands strongly into his, "Mother, as I stand here before you as the Prince, the future King, as a son and an Alpha i promise you that this pack will never lose a woman nor a pup at the hand of another again. I give my heart, my soul and my body to this promise. I will protect them with all I am." He never spoke about that things again. But the moment you came in, saying you're a warrior and a strong one, everything that had happened with Lia came back to him. He does not think you're not strong enough, he's afraid that he won't be strong enough to protect you." Aerin said tear eyed.

Tears are now streaming over my face as my heart breaks for Taehyung. He has been through a lot. Blaming himself for not being able to save her, hating his father for not give a chance to save her. My heart is broken for this teenager with a lively spirit that has been smashed down by grief. I understood why he act like that to me now. I understand why he was so determined to stop me from being a warrior. Doubts set place in me. Do I want to be a warrior if it means breaking my Mate? Can I give up that part of myself to make my Mate happy? I don't know but what I do know is that I need to talk to him. Need to let him know I'm sorry, need to tell him that as mates we must tell each other everything. I want to be his Mate, his Love, his Queen, his Princess. But who will I be to die in the process?

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