Chapter 1

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"I am not a child! I am better warrior than well... EVERYBODY here. You can't held me in forever!" I scream at my father. His dark brown eyes stare angry into mine. His raven hair sat widely on his head from the many times he drawn his hands through. My raven black hair doesn't look any different. We've had this conversation a million times before. Father always tried to protect me and I just want to be free.

"If you're not a child then don't act like one." Father confronted. I looked at my mom for help. Blue eyes staring at each other and I could see that she didn't want me to go either.

"The warriors are strong and they're not Women!" I am still staring at my mom and I can see shock creep over her face after hearing what my father just said. She turns around, her back facing me and her angry eyes on father.

"Excuse you? What exactly do you mean by 'they're not women' huh?!" Dad rubs his face as he lets out a deep sigh. "Baby, I didn't mean it like that." He says with a voice sweet as candy.

My mom however just fierce as me well... I am just fierce as her. "I don't think that you're very clear words have any room for misunderstanding. You know what? Choose ten warriors for Jisoo to fight. If she wins, she gets to go. If not she won't." My mom said with a tone that there is no room for further argument. He simply nods at her. "You heard your mother. Go prepare yourself, the fight will be held in an hour." He said as he dismisses me with a wave.

I let out a high pitched excited scream as I hug my mom from behind. I ran upstairs to my room. I used my witch power to open the bedroom room so that I don't have to stop running. I grab my brush and combed my hair into a french braid. Then I walked into my closet to grab some fighting gear. My pant is a leather leggings that feels like a second skin. A black tank top above it and I'm ready. When I check the clock I see only 10mins have passed. I paced back and forth in my room. I can totally win this. I don't even have to shift. I have seen each and every warriors train since I was little. I trained along with them. I know their moves, I know their postures and I know their surprise attacks. However they didn't know mine since my witch training is different from my wolf training.

I check the clock, another half hour. I decided to go find Jennie, my best friend. Jennie is the opposite of me. She doesn't like to fight, she hates our training. Her attitude is same as mine though our interests are different.

I didn't bother to knock on the door of her room. Jennie lives with us. She was born 1 year after me, when she turned ten her mom died because of cancer. Her dad is a warrior so he can't take care of her all the time, so she moved in with us.

"Jennie! I finally did it! Mom did it. Dad said something to piss her off so mom allowed me to fight ten warriors. If I win I get to go to the patrolling." I said in excitement. Jennie just rolled her eyes. I look at the books in front of her, of course she is studying. I wiggle myself in front of her to sit on her desk. "Jendukie, Be happy for me." I said with a pout. She sighs before she leans back.

"The Mate Founder is next week, do you think your mate is going to let you be a warrior?" She said with a boredom. She has been hearing my tantrums for ten years now. Since I was twelve i decided I want to be a warrior. I trained hard everyday.

"I'm not going to find my Mate and if i do he better not to stop me, I bet I would be stronger too with my decision." There is way too much confidence in my voice but I don't care. I am finally here, finally on my way of becoming a warrior and nobody is going to stop me. I could have been a warrior at eighteen if father would have allowed it, which he obviously didn't. Jennie's eyes soften as she looked at me with a smile.

"I hope you get everything you want unnie, but it often doesn't go the way we think it goes." She gave me a brief hug, before walking to her closet. Jennie is more stylish than me, her closet is full of dresses and skirts not like mine which is full of pants,tank tops and well..sweaters 😂. She pulls out a white skater dress with blue flowers at the skirt. "I will come cheer you on, as you kick their asses. " She said with a grin before putting on that dress. Her curly brown hair dances around her face as her green eyes look at me. I look at the clock to see that there is only 15mins left.

"Let's go and Break some wolfies." I said with excitement before walking to the fighting yard with her.

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