Chapter 33

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"I found your father on the day of my 18th birthday all these years ago. When I was 19 I got pregnant. It was too soon and though I loved having a pup, your father had just became a warrior. Every day I feared that he wouldn't come back and I'd have to raise you alone.  Back then we were fighting for more territory. Your uncle, the one that you know as your father, believed he had the right to have a bigger pack. Your father fought beside him, while I stayed at home taking care of you. You were such an angel, such a good girl. Even as a baby you didn't cry much. As the years went by you turned four and we had our territory. It was all because of your father. He fought every battle, planned every attack. One day we were at home and you were playing in your room with your dolls, you loved dolls so much. Someone came into our house. I never saw his face, but he attacked me first. I was bleeding so much that I couldn't fight back anymore. Your father fought but the man managed to get away. That's when you came down stairs. I told you to run, in case the man would come back. He was nothing like we have ever seen before. Not a wolf or a witch, not a human either. When your uncle came to our house he didn't believe your father, he thought your father had attacked me. So he killed him, but with my last magic I managed to save us both. When I woke up we were far away from the pack, your father had managed to get us away. But you had listened to me... You ran. I wanted to get you back so badly but neither of us could. We were all alone with no place to go and your uncle had a whole pack. For years we've been gathering rogues to make a pack strong enough to get you back. Everyday of my life I've thought of you. Everyday I've prayed to the Goddess to bring you back to me. Please, you have to believe me, believe us... It hurt me so much that i could barely eat or sleep and I could barely think straight. When I heard the Prince is your mate I knew we couldn't wait for long. You'd be surrounded and protected fiercely. Your father went to get you. And now.... Now I finally got my baby girl back."  She said. Tears were streaming from both our eyes now. Taehyung has put his arms around me and with his other hand he is making small circles on my back.

"But... You could have come back! You could have told them what really happened!" My mom grabbed my hand once more.

"Sweety, there are so many things that you don't know. One day I'll tell you everything, I Promise. But right now I just want to hold you and get to know you. Your father has told me that you're very strong. Are you happy?" My cries grew even louder as I shake my head.

"No, I'm not happy. My whole life... Everything.... Everything has been a lie. My best friend knew, the woman I thought was my mother never said anything. All my life I had the urge to fight. All I wanted to be is a warrior. I never knew why, it was just how I felt. My heart... My heart knew though my memories had failed me. All the while I was fighting to get my family back. How am I ever going to forgive any of you? How am i going to forgive my parents for leaving me? How am I going to forgive mom and dad for lying to me my whole life? How am I going to forgive my mate for not accepting me? How am I going to forgive my best friend for keeping the most important thing in my life from? I have lost everything this week. I have lost my trust, i have lost my faith, I have lost my strength and I have lost my family." I got up, tears of fire streaming down my cheeks. "Because now... Now I don't know who I am anymore. And that scares me but that also hurt me like I've never been hurt before."

Taehyung tightened his grip around my arm, standing next to me. He slowly turned me around and grabbed my face between his hands. I can hear my tears falling on his skin, burning through it. But he doesn't flinch.

"You're an Alpha. You are the one who stands in the middle of a storm to fight for what you want, to fight for your pack, to fight for strangers. You will fight to find out what you want. You are the most annoying, beautiful, smart and frustrating woman I have ever met in my life. I know... I know I hurted you because I was hurting. I know I took it out on you, I know I tried to protect you in a way that broke you. But as you told me, you don't need protection. You're strong, even when you're weak you're strong. Come home with me. Think bad things are over. I'll always be there. I'm your Mate, I'm your heart as you are mine. Come with me and let me be there for you, let me be your family Jisoo."

My heart crumbled and stitches right back up by his words. I felt myself nod as I push my face into his neck. I felt safe as he wrapped his arms around me so tightly that all I can feel and smell is him.

A loud bang on the table turns both our heads.

"No, you're not taking my daughter with you." The hair on my father's arms have already started growing. My mom stood up and walked towards him. She put a hand on his arm and the hair slowly disappeared. She whispers something in his ear and my father face turned sad.

"Please, don't go. I've waited so long to see you again. You can both stay here. But please, please don't go." My mom's voice sounds weak, exhausted and honestly that's how I feel too. My mother, my real mother, my mother who was supposed to be dead standing right across me. And yet I don't see her as my mother. She didn't hug me when I fell off my bike the first time, she didn't make me soup or watched movies with me when I felt bad. My father didn't protect me or tried to discipline me when I was getting in fights. They are my parents and they are in my heart. But right now my heart bleeds because of them.

Without saying anything I took Taehyung's hand and walked out of the room. My mom's cries echoed in my ears and my father's words of comfort pulled my heartstrings. Next to me Taehyung says nothing as we walk down stairs, through the massive hole where the front door used to be and back to the place I now call Home.

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