Chapter 32

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I shot a fireball at Jiwon but all it does is move over him against the wall. I ran forward and grab Jiwon by his neck to pull him off. His backpaw kicked me and I fell down on my ass.

I don't know what to do so i screamed. A high-pitch scream that would make dolphins proud. Jiwon turned to look at me, all other noises fell quiet too. I slowly got up to walk to the top of the stairs. They've stopped fighting and everyone looked up to me.

"As your future Queen I command you all to stop." Some of the wolves started growling again. I jumped off the stairs, shifting mid way and landed on my paws. My growl was deep and powerful. The Omega's instantly bowed their heads in submission. I walked up to the few whom not bowed. One by one I stood in front of them and forced them to submit, one by one they bowed. Suho is all healed up now, feeling strong and cocky. Without hesitation I attacked him. I managed to get him on his back, I grabbed him by his neck while my paws are burning his stomach. When he doesn't submit I bit harder. He still didn't budge. I started shaking my head, ripping his neck to shreads.

I was pulled away suddenly, I let go of Suho and looked behind me. Nobody is there. Something knocked into me and I can smell the magic. I was being throw off Suho, but managed to catch myself on my paws.

I looked up expecting Taehyung's witch. What I saw stole my breath right out of my lungs.

Her eyes are fixated on me, tears glistening in them. Her mouth is slightly open. Her black hair shining in the light that falls through a window. She is beautiful.... Beautiful and Alive. I shift back to my human self, not caring that I'm now naked. My lips trembled as I took a step forward.

"Mom?" My voice broke, sounded foreign in my own ears. The beautiful woman nodded at me while the tears slided down her cheeks. "Mom?" I asked again stepping forward once more. She opened her arms for me and without a second thought I ran straight to her, falling into her arms.

The fight has stopped. Taehyung sent his men back to their pack. We are all sitting around a table and the tension in the air was high.

I can't stop watching my mom. She is sitting next to me holding my hands. Taehyung is on my other side and Jiwon sat across from us. I could feel all the eyes on me but mines are fixated on my mother. She is alive. I heard Taehyung shift in his chair.

"How?" His question is vague but I instantly know what he meant. I slowly pulled my hand away from my mother. How indeed did she survive? Why didn't she come back for me? My mother looked at me in sadness.

"Mom? How are you still alive?" She broke her stare to bow her head towards the table. I can hear Jiwon or I guess my father open his mouth. I threw him a glance that says 'shut up'. My mom started to play with her black hair. I can now see the scar on her face. It runs just next to her hairline to her jaw. Somehow it makes her even more beautiful.

She opened her mouth to speak but hesitated as sadness creeps her. I took her hand and squeeze a little to comfort her. "Don't worry, Mom! I am ready to hear everything and I love you no matter what happened."

Mother, I finally saw you. Whatever happened or happen I won't let you disappear again. I promise!

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