11. wand-hunt

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that same day's afternoon I still found quite amusing how tired I was the night before and how I fell asleep in Draco's room.

I was with Darian talking about her birthday, it was next month and she couldn't wait any longer, she was really excited.

"I can't wait to finally be 7" she said for the thousandth time this day.

"I know, but you have to be patient" I said "just enjoy what you have left of your current age"

"I know, y/n" she said "but I enjoyed enough, now I want a new age"

"believe me, once you grow up you'll want to be 6 again" I said "I would love to be your age forever"

"it's not really interesting, y/n" she said.

"maybe not for you, but once you get older you'll wish you would've enjoyed it more" I said.

"I don't like to regret things, what if you help me do something significant to remember?" she asked excitedly.

"do you even know what that word means?" Draco shouted from his room.

"what word?" Darian shouted back.

"significant" Draco replied.

"I'm really smart, Daico" she said.

"no you're not" he said and we heard footsteps and then a door close.

Draco was in his room and just closed the door, we were in my room and Darian started thinking of something to do.

"what if you teach me more spells?" she proposed.

"with your branch?" I asked.

"it's a wand, y/n" she said.

"yes, sorry" I said "talking about wands, I don't have an idea where I left mine" I said realizing I haven't seen my wand in quite a while.

"I do know" Darian said "I saw it in your closet the other day when you were cleaning a little."

"really?" I frowned "that's weird"

I stood up and walked to the closet, I started moving some stuff looking for my wand but I didn't see it anywhere.

"i'll go ask Draco" I said and Darian nodded.

I walked out of the room and went directly to Draco's room, i knocked the door but there was no answer.

I decided to open the door to see if he was there, it was quiet and a little dark, the curtains were closed. I walked to his bed and tried to see if he was there but it was empty.

then i went to his desk and to his closet but it seemed like he wasn't in the room, so i turned around to go out but then i jumped and my heart skipped a beat, maybe two, or maybe three, or maybe i died a little and came back to life.

i put my hand on my chest and closed my eyes while listening to draco's laugh filling the room.

son of a bitch scared me. when i finally catched my breath and was able to speak, i looked at him dead in the eyes.

"that's not funny" i said.

"yes, it is" he said between laughs "you should've seen your face"

"i only came here to ask you if you have seen my wand, i can't seem to find it anywhere" i said.

"I have no idea, y/l/n" why are we back with the last name?

"okay, anyway, I have to do something special for Darian today, have any ideas?" I asked.

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