12. mischief managed

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I woke up at six am, y/n was the first thing I saw. Her arms were firmly wrapped around my torso and her head was resting in my chest.

I grinned at the view, not remembering how she got here or how we ended up like this, but figured I was too fast asleep to even notice. I wasn't tired anymore and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I slowly tried to move her away without waking her up.

I don't know how I did it, but when I was finally out of her grip, I stood up and went out of my room. I went downstairs to the kitchen and asked a house elf for two glasses of water.

I drank mine and went back to my bedroom, I left the other glass in the bedside table and decided to take a shower.

When I went out of the bathroom, I found y/n sitting on the bed, her eyes were still half closed and her hair was a disaster, in a good way, of course.

"morning" I said.

she didn't answer. she found the glass of water i had left for her, and drank a little of it. then, she threw her head to the pillow and went right back to sleep. I went out to the hallway and looked up at the clock that was up on the wall.

it was seven am. what was I going to do? I had no idea. but then a mischievous grin appeared on my face and I got a bad idea.

I got back into my bedroom just to grab my wand and went back out again, I will do some magic today.

I walked quietly to Darian's room and opened the door, walking to her bed and finding her asleep.

her back was facing me, so I grabbed her arm and turned her around slowly so I could see her face.

I grabbed a quill and ink from her desk and started drawing on her face. it was quite hard since the quill was for kid use and it was too small for my hand, but I manage to do it without waking her up.

After I was finished, I took my wand and muttered some words under my breath, making the ink I put on her start moving around on her face. It looked funny, but I couldn't laugh or she would wake up.

So instead I went back to my room and carried y/n in my arms, I took her to Darian's room and placed her on the other side of the bed. I put the quill in her hand and made sure it wouldn't fall, then, I tried to find a way to wake them up without them knowing I was ever there.

I started poking both of them with my wand and then hid under the bed. I put my hand out and tickled Darian until she woke up.

"what's going on?" she exclaimed still half asleep. "y/n? what are you doing?" she asked.

"what?" y/n replied also half asleep.

since I was under the bed, I couldn't see them, but I supposed y/n saw her face, because I heard she started laughing.

"what's so funny?" Darian asked.

"just look at your face!" y/n said between laughs.

I heard Darian get out of bed and walk to the mirror in her room, when she saw her face, she screamed in surprise.

I had to swallow my laughter if I didn't want them to find me.

"very funny, y/n" Darian said, crossing her arms.

"It wasn't me!" y/n exclaimed.

I accidentally let a little laugh escape my lips.

next thing I know, y/n is looking under the bed at me. I smiled innocently at her and crawled back out.

"Daico, you did this" Darian said pointing at her face.

"yes, little monster" I replied.

"hope you're not thinking I will take this as a reward for the wand hunt" she said.

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