old version! part two

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3 months later.

I was in front of Draco, awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact.
He told me he had something really important to ask me after classes, but we've been standing here for half an hour or even more, and he hasn't said a word.

"Draco" I finally broke the silence "are you gonna tell me or not?"

"Yes" he said and I nodded.

Silence again.

"Draco" I called again and he looked at me again "I'm going now" I turned around.

"No, wait!" He took my arm and pulled me close to him, making me turn again to face him "uh, I-" he stuttered without taking his eyes off mine, I raised my eyebrows to let him know that I was listening "It's complicated" he said.

"What do you mean?" I frowned "just say it"

"Okay, um" he looked down "I was just-" he stopped.

"You were just what?" I asked again, trying to make this a little faster.

"You know what, just forget it, it doesn't matter" he said pulling away.

"Hey" I said taking his arm and now it was me the one pulling him closer "now you tell me" I said firmly and he sighed.

"Okay" he looked everywhere except at me, I took his chin gently and moved his head a little, making him look at me, his beautiful grey eyes met mine and I could see some kind of fear in his eyes.

"What's going on, you're worrying me" I said a little impatient.

"its nothing to worry about, its just that I dont know how to tell you" he said.

"Just say it"

"Okay" he sighed "doyouwannagothvukfidmvme" he said really fast.

"WHAT?" I thought.

"Draco I can't understand, speak slower" I said frowning.

"I asked, do you" I raised my eyebrows "wanna go" I nodded slowly "to the" I opened my eyes more "yikjldgnwithme" he said really fast again.

"To the what?" I yelled "Draco, please talk normal" I'm a really impatient person.

"Okay you know what, I'm not good at asking this kind of things so I'm just gonna be myself" he said fast.

"You couldnt have done that from the beginning?" I asked.

"Shut up" he said, And the old Draco was back again, I just smiled slightly.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked quietly.

"You're going to the Yule ball with me, like it or not, if you already have plans, tell me and I will cancel them for you, and if you already have a partner, tell me and I will make everyone know that he tragically died in a mysterious way"

"Draco!" I exclaimed laughing and he smiled "that was so easy to ask, why couldnt you just say it" I stopped laughing "it took you almost an hour" I smiled.

"Sorry, you know, even Draco Malfoy gets nervous when asking the most beautiful girl to the Ball" he smirked and winked at me, I just blushed and felt a whole zoo on my belly.

He took my hand, and we both went inside the castle, directly to our common room, we stayed there making homework together and talking about a lot of things, one of them was if I was going to the Malfoy Manor with him this Christmas break, I had to ask my parents, and he had to ask his too, but we decided to do that later.

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