02. draco malfoy

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when our parents left, Draco closed the door and he turned to look at me, then moved his gaze to Darian and back at me, I saw him roll his eyes not caring I could see him.

"I will show you your bedroom." He said coldly, starting to walk to the stairs without saying anything else, I followed him.

We stopped at the middle of a really long corridor, there where three doors really separated from each other.

"This will be your bedroom," Draco said pointing at a door in the right. "That door is Darian's bedroom" he pointed at the door next to mine, "and that's my bedroom." He said now pointing at the door in front of the other two.

"Thanks." I said quietly not bothering to look at him.

"Y/n, can I help you organize your things?" Darian asked me, pulling me by my wrist with her little hands.

"Of course!" I exclaimed smiling "let's go" we entered the room and closed the door behind us, letting Draco know that he could go now.

My things were already there because one of the elves brought all my stuff here, so we just had to unpack everything and organize it.

We started with the desk, I took out some books that I was reading and put them on the edge of the desk.

"You're reading all those books at the same time?" Darian asked surprised.

"Yeah, I get bored by just reading one, so I read a lot of books at the same time" I explained "it also depends on my mood and what I feel like reading in the moment" Darian nodded.

I took another notebook Darian was handing me, it was a notebook I used to write stories or moments that randomly came to my mind and I wanted to remember them.

Darian kept taking things out of my trunk and handing them to me, I just was putting everything in order and in a way it wouldn't look messy.

Then we started with the closet, Darian handed me every piece of clothing I brought and I saved it by colors in the cupboard.

We spent almost the whole morning organizing all my things, without counting the stories I told to Darian about some stuff she found through my things.

Then we went downstairs to the dinning table and sat down to eat.

The house elves brought our dishes and we ate silently, no one said a word and it was kind of awkward, but then Darian started talking about a lot of things to Draco and he was just nodding, smiling, and sometimes explaining things to Darian of something she said wrong.

after eating, Draco was the first one to stand up, he said he was going out with some friends and then left. I actually felt better without him close.

. . .

In the afternoon we didn't do much, Darian wanted to bake something so we decided to make some biscuits, we went to the kitchen and some of the house elves offered to help.

We all had a great time, I didn't like the way all the magical families usually treated elves, so I didn't treat them that way, for me they were really cute, I saw them as little friends that you could trust.

By the time we finished, the kitchen was a complete mess, the elves told us there was nothing to worry about and with their magic they started cleaning everything.

Darian and I put the biscuits in a two big plates, we left one in the kitchen so the elves could eat some as well, and the other ones we took them to the dining table so we could eat some as well.

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