04. cute couple

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Goyle had accidentally hit me way too hard while we were doing a pillow fight, it made me fall to the floor, exactly where Draco was sitting. And I fell on him.
We both ended lying on the floor, our faces just to centimeters of each other, the top of our noses rosing gently, and our lips where way closer than they should be.

I could feel his breath in my face and his grey eyes staring straight into mine, making me feel he could even see my soul. But then, I noticed his skin went a little pink.

"You're a couple and didn't tell me anything!?" Darian said walking into the room holding her teddy bear in her arm.

Draco pushed me to the side almost for instinct and we both stood up.

"No" I said a little shocked for that moment "we just fell"

"yeah, nothing important" Draco said. we looked to everyone behind us and they were all shocked too but smirking.

"Well, it's getting kinda late, Daico, you said we were going to write a letter to mommy and daddy!" Darian said and made a puppy face.

"Yes, it's true" Draco said and they went out of the room, closing the door.

"So.. that was a very awkward moment" Crabbe said.

"Yes it was" Daphne said awkwardly.

Blaise looked at me still with a smirk, and I rolled my eyes.

"So.. you like Draco?" He muttered in my ear once he walked closer to me so no one else could hear.

"I already told you!" I shouted in a whisper.

"But I still don't believe you" he said.

"Blaise! Just- forget it" I went out of the room and closed the door.

I went downstairs and I saw Draco and Darian in the office in the hallway, I walked closer and they were tying a letter to an owl, once the owl flew away I  walked into the office and Draco and Darian turned around.

"Oh, hi y/n" Darian said with a quill on her hand  "I just wrote a letter" she said smiling.

"Give me that before you break it" Draco said taking the quill from Darian's hand.

We heard someone knock at the door, it was a house elf who came to tell us that our friends were waiting at the door. We went to say goodbye to them cause it was getting late already. when they left, Draco, Darian, and I ate some dinner.

"Draco" I called.

"Yeah?"he replied.

"Can I talk with you for a second" I asked.

"Yeah, Darian, can you wait on your room?" he asked her,  she nodded and went upstairs.

"Would you like to talk about what happened?" I asked.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Well, you know" I said.

"Oh! But why do you want to talk about it?" He said "It meant nothing"

"I know, but you were pink" I said and he went pink again "see? It happened again" I said pointing at his face.

"It's nothing" he said "just stay away from me, you know, like it should be" he said and went upstairs.

I went upstairs too and I took a shower, then I lied in my bed and tried to get some sleep, but somehow I was thinking on how beautiful his face was in that moment, his skin is really white, so I suppose that's why he turns pink, but I think that's really cute. I was thinking about what Blaise said too, do I really like Malfoy? That's something I thought couldn't happen.

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