14. portrait on the wall

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I woke up in the middle of the night, I was staring at the ceiling and couldn't fall back asleep, I thought for a second of going to Draco's room, just like he told me earlier today before we left the mansion, but I supposed that there was a reason I wasn't there already.

Darian and Draco went to bed still being mad at each other, Darian didn't even want to hear a bedtime story so I just tucked her into bed and left her room, she had her back facing the desk where her new tree was, she was staring at her window, rays of moonlight reflecting on the floor through the curtains.

I assumed she might be a little sad, she was always sad when someone was mad at her, even more if it was Draco or one of her parents. I didn't know what I could've possibly said to make her feel better, but she was quick to fall asleep, so I'm sure I'll think of something if she still seems down by the morning.

as I was leaving her room, I saw Draco closing the door to his, I caught a glimpse of the back of his head, his blond hair a little messy, I stared for a couple of seconds and then I saw the light turning off from the bottom of his door, I assumed he was tired and just wanted to rest, so I went back to my room and tried to do the same.

I couldn't fall back to sleep, I got out of bed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen, I got a small midnight snack and decided to take a short walk around the mansion. I took a left turn to a really long hallway with huge windows facing the back gardens of the mansion, everything was dark, but there were no curtains in those windows so the moon kept me company.

I got to a hall room, when I was a child this place used to scare me at night, since it was huge and dark and I was small, but not anymore, I turned on the light and took a glance at the paintings on the wall.

a painting of Lucius Malfoy was there, deep eyes with no expression, no smile, his stare felt judgmental even though you knew he wasn't really here, and that was it, nothing else you could feel by staring for longer, just maybe a small shiver down your spine. and suddenly I knew why I might've been scared of this room.

that fear washed away the moment I imagined Draco in one of these paintings, hung high on the walls of the mansion, serious expression, he could never be serious, I made myself laugh thinking about it, and then I got an idea.

I turned off the lights and walked back to the main hall, making my way back upstairs and to my room, I got into bed and tried to catch my sleep, smirking to myself because of my plans for tomorrow.

the next day

I woke up late, I opened my bedroom's windows to let the summer air in, the sun was bright. I took my time getting ready and made my way downstairs to the dining room, I noticed the mansion was way quieter than usual, completely quiet, actually, not a single noise.

I found Draco sitting in the living room's couch eating a green apple. He grinned at me once he saw me.

"mornin'," he said, taking another bite of the apple.

"why's it so quiet?" I asked "I didn't sleep too much, did I?" I asked again, rubbing my eye.

"nope, I'm just having breakfast right now," he replied, playing with the apple in his hand, bringing it up to show it to me "the child was well fed by the elves earlier." he said dully.

"the child? you mean Darian-?" I was going to ask, but Draco interrupted me before I could finish.

"Yeah, is there any other child around?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied "you." he frowns at me.

I guess that if he's referring to Darian as any other than her name or 'little monster' it might be because they're still mad at each other. And it's kind of stupid if you ask me.

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