old version! last part

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[unedited & poorly written]


I was running as fast as I could, Draco was behind me but he wasn't running, he was walking and taking his time, not bothering to be faster. I finally made it to the gate and waited desperately for it to open, once it did I ran again to the front door, and she was there.

I got down in my knees and I hugged her tightly, it was freezing outside so I picked her up and we waited for Draco.

"Daico, Daico!" Darian shouted waving at him.

Draco took her from my arms and they hugged. "I missed you, Daico" she said wrapping her little arms around his neck.

"aww thanks, but I didn't miss you" Draco said playfully, I chuckled.

We walked inside and sat on the couch of the living room, Draco's parents arrived a few minutes later, followed by my parents, we all hugged and said hello.
Once we were all sitting on the couches, Draco said that we had a really important announcement to say, they all looked at us without blinking and waited for us to start speaking.

"We are dating" I said nervously, they're eyes widened and Darian screamed.

"So you are now my sister in law!" She exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Yes, I am" I responded.

"I knew it!" She shouted and wrapped her little arms around me and Draco.

"When did this happen?" Draco's mom asked.

"In the Yule Ball" Draco replied "on Christmas night."

"We are so happy for you!" My mom said, tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

I stood up leaving Darian next to Draco and I hugged my parents.

"Son" Draco's father spoke for the first time "can we talk, alone?" He asked him, Draco looked petrified and nodded slowly, standing up.

They both left the living room and disappeared through the hallway, entering Lucius's studio and closing the door.


I didn't know what my father was going to tell me, I wasn't expecting anything good, maybe he didn't want Y/N for me and was going to ask me to break up with her, thing I wasn't going to do even if I was under the Imperio curse. I noticed he was a little nervous and I decided to break the silence.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked coldly.

"I just wanted to congratulate you" he said surprising me.

"What?" I frowned, confused.

"Y/N is a really good girl, you chose right" he said, I couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks, father" I said quietly.

"Her parents are really good friends of mine and we all get along great, so I think this was the best for everyone, am I right?" He said nervously.

"Yes" I said nodding "I think so" I smiled a little.

"Okay, so—" he made a pause "—let's go back" he said turning around and I nodded, following him back to the living room.


Draco and his father came back after a little while, neither of them said a word, Draco sat down next to me and took my hand.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"It couldn't be better" he said smiling at me, making me smile too.

. . .

That same night, we all had dinner together, we talked about this time we spent on Hogwarts and Darian told us some thing she did while she waited for us to come back.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Darian shouted walking to me.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Look, this is for you" she said handing me a bracelet "I did it on my free time, I hope you like it" she said and smiled staring at me.

"I love it! Thank you" I said smiling and she hugged me.

"What do you have for me?" Draco asked expectantly, Darian stared at him without saying a word.

"Um" Darian looked at the floor "...nothing" she said making a puppy face and Draco faked a sad face, I tried to contain my laugh. "Anyway, so—" Darian said turning back at me "did you like the tiara I chose for you?" She asked smiling.

"Oh, the tiara! Of course I liked it" I exclaimed.

"I'm still mad because I didn't get anything from you, little monster" said Draco.

"It's okay Daico, you can't have all the things you want" she said giving zero importance to her brother.

"Then I won't let you have some chocolate cookies I have in the kitchen" he smirked and Darian gasped, running to the kitchen as fast as she could.

"What cookies?" I asked.

"There aren't any cookies" Draco smiled at me and I rolled my eyes, Darian came back with her arms crossed and a really angry face.

"You're going to make me cookies now that you lied" she said.

"No" answered Draco.

They started discussing for a little while and I just sat there watching them act like any other siblings in the world. Draco stood up and left to the kitchen because somehow Darian convinced him to bake cookies, so he went to ask his mom to help him. Darian sat down by my side and smiled staring at me.

"Are you and Daico going to get married?" She asked.

"I don't know" I answered "we are still really young" I said as she nodded in understanding. I stared at her and realized how much she had grown since the first time I saw her last summer. She looks a lot like Draco, they have the same eyes, but her hair is dark like her mother's. She was taller, and I realized how fast everything changes.

ik i havent updated in a while, and i know this chapter is boring asf.
i just ran out of creativity w this story now that I'm writing 58395929 others.

BTWWW I hv smth rlly important to tell y'all
the next chapter will be the last one of this story (but i will write a bonus dw) (and when i finish everything i will edit this whole story cuz it's rlly cringe)

this chapter was written rlly fast, literally like in less than 10 minutes, but idc bc i don't hv any more ideas (that's why i will edit it and change everything) so if u aren't liking it that much anymore, then u could go read my new story, or even if u are liking this one u can read the other one :) I think it's rlly cool so i would be happy if y'all read it, i just posted it, u can find it in my profile.

thanks for reading!
take care and don't forget to drink water.
lots of love <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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