01. the malfoy manor

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It was the last day of school, I said goodbye to my friends before coming home. My friend group is amazing, they are really good friends, the only detail that I don't like is that Draco Malfoy is in it too. We've known each other since we were 4, because our parents are really good friends, can't say the same about us, though.

Usually I don't talk to him and I try to avoid him as much as possible, but I always saw him in the Great Hall, in classes, and in the common room, cause we are both in Slytherin.

I am really loyal to my house, but Draco Malfoy is unbearable. I was really hoping I wouldn't see him this summer, and I was sure I wouldn't because I would travel with my parents this year, or that was the plan.

I went to my parents' bedroom to ask them where were we going this summer, but the answer I received wasn't exactly the one I was hoping for.

"Mom" I called her opening the door of her bedroom "where are we going this summer?" I asked her excitedly, walking into the room where she was sitting on the edge of the bed, next to my dad.

"Honey," she said quietly looking at me "we were actually discussing how to tell you this." She said and my father nodded.

"Tell me what?" I asked curiously.

"You won't come with us this summer" my dad said abruptly "we have some important things to do and it would just be tiring for you." He continued "so we thought that it was better if you didn't come with us." He said.

"Sorry, honey" my mom muttered.

"What?" I asked a little surprised "no, no, no, I want to come with you! What am I supposed to do here alone all summer?" I asked, disagreeing at their decision.

"I'm sorry, but the decision is already taken" my dad said and I stormed out of the room.

"Great, I will stay home all summer, how much fun." I thought sarcastically, shutting my bedroom's door.

. . .


It was finally summer, I couldn't spend another second at Hogwarts, but I also didn't want to spend the whole summer with Darian, my annoying little sister, she's only 6 years old and she may look really cute, but she's actually a nightmare. Lucky for me that she's too young to be in Hogwarts, I couldn't stand it. She doesn't even know how to pronounce my name correctly.

"Daico! Daico!" she said hugging me "I missed you Daico!"

"Aww thanks but I didn't miss you!" I said jokingly.

"Tell me everything you did this year!!" she said with a big smile in her face.

She always asks me what I did every year, she is really curious and she already knows almost everything because of the letters I send home, but she wants me to tell her again. She loves me, I mean, who doesn't?

Everything was fine until my parents told me they had to travel all summer and we aren't going with them, great. I will have to take care of Darian all summer, of course I won't do it, I waited for summer a whole year and I won't waste it taking care of that girl.

"Draco, please" my mom said looking at my eyes.

"No! She can take care of herself alone!" I said in disagree.

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