08. non-magical wand

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we were face to face, sitting in the edge of the bed in my quiet room, our breaths got a little heavier and our gazes changed continuously from our lips to our eyes.

I could appreciate, in this moment for the first time, how deep and beautiful his eyes were. grey. Whole comets were on his eyes, a whole planet, a whole universe, a place you knew it was safe.

him clearing his throat got me out of my thoughts and I quickly moved my hand from his, he looked away and the moment became awkward.

He opened his mouth to say something but no word came out, he sighed and stood up walking to the door, but I spoke before he could leave.

"Draco," He turned around quickly and looked at me "stay."

He looked down, not knowing what to do but slowly walked back to the bed and sat down, leaving a proper space between the two of us.

the moment wasn't too awkward anymore, but we were in silence. a good silence. At least I felt comfortable with it.

"so," he started "did you already make your decision?" he asked looking shyly at me.

"what decision?" I frowned.

"about what I told you" he said.

"it's too quickly" I smiled "I need a little more time" I said and his face turned serious, I frowned a little and his gaze didn't leave my eyes moving sometimes to my lips. it was the first time I ever was this close to Draco Malfoy.

"I'm sorry" he muttered.

"for wha-" before I could finish, he stood up and pulled me towards him, making me stand up too. I couldn't say anything before he wrapped his arms around my waist and connected our lips into a soft small kiss.

I put my hands in the back of his neck and corresponded to the kiss. It was amazing. The kiss was slow, it felt like it was sincere and innocent.

His grip on my waist tightened and I leaned even closer, not sure if that was possible.

After a couple of seconds, we pulled away and our eyes met once again, we just smiled at each other wordless and then he gave me a small quick peck.

"Draco" I managed to pronounce.

"don't say anything" he whispered in my ear with his raspy voice making me shiver.

I couldn't deny that Draco Malfoy was a great kisser.

I moved my hands from his neck and placed them around his shoulders, I hugged him tightly and I could feel his body a little tense, I rested my head in his shoulder and just stayed like that for a little while.

"I do think I kinda like you." I said and although I couldn't see his face, I was sure a little smile formed in his lips.

"but i'm not sure" I said pulling away.

"about what?" he said as his smile faded.

"I just have a question" I said looking at him.

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