old version! part one

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[WARNING:  this is cringe]

author's note: hi! these next three chapters are part of the old version of this story, from before it was edited and rewritten. it's out of context from the actual story now, but i decided to leave them cause they feel nice, they make me remember the time when i first wrote them. they are unedited maybe one day i'll edit them but for now they're in their original form. <3

context: y/n and draco are back at hogwarts for their fourth year, summer is over.



I was eating the last piece of dinner, when I finished I stood up and ran out of the great hall first than everyone, I went down to the dungeons and entered my common room, it was completely empty because everyone were just on their way, I went to my dorm and started fixing my hair a little, I got ready as fastest as I could and after 3 minutes or 2 I was going out of my room, I went to the exact same place where i told Draco I will see him, but he wasn't there yet.
I just sat down in the couch and started playing with my fingers while waiting for Draco, he took me by surprise when I felt someone tapping my shoulder, but I knew it was him, I stood up and smiled, he smiled back and took my hand.

"We should go now" he said.

"Okay" I replied.

We went out of the common room and everyone was there talking and making silly jokes to have fun, Draco pulled my hand to his back so nobody could see that we were holding hands, but after Blaise came to us he dropped my hand and pretended nothing happened. Draco didn't say a word to me before he left to go with Crabbe and Goyle.

"I know" Blaise whispered in my ear.

"You know what?" I asked confused turning around to face him.

"I know there's something going on between you and Draco" he smirked.

"What? I frowned "there's nothing going on, we're just friends" I said.

"Well, yeah, but there's something else" he said "and I'll find out what it is before tomorrow" said that, he left and I went to find Pansy.

we talked for a little while and then a boy from 5th year told us there wasn't anyone in the hallways anymore, so we left the dungeons in extreme silence and started our way out of the castle, we found Professor Filch guarding, but we tried our best not to be caught, when he left, we finally made it out, and we were going to the black lake.

"Hey!" Pansy shouted so she could have everyone's attention "lets stay here" she sat down in the grass and everyone else did the same, we were now all making a circle on the floor.

"Let's play something" a girl from fifth year said.

"Lets play truth or dare I start!" Blaise said as fast as he could.

"Okay" everyone said.

"Y/N" I looked at him petrified "truth or dare?" He asked smirking.

"Truth" I said firmly.

"Okay, is there something going on between you and Draco?" He asked and Draco looked at him shocked "you can't lie"

"Er- um- no, there's nothing going on" I said.

"Are you sure?" Blaise raised his eyebrows, I nodded.

"It's better if you tell the truth" Pansy said.

"It's the truth" I said.

"What if we just use veritaserum?" I heard Draco ask and I looked at him.

"No, we should be sincere for once" a random girl said.

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