06. runaway

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I was walking by the back gardens of the mansion, it was a beautiful day. the plants were really green and the flowers bloomed incredibly.

I was just walking peacefully with my hands in my pockets, and then I saw her, y/n.

She looked like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, the wind was messing her hair a little, she was sitting down in the grass reading a book, something she loved to do.

I walked towards her and I stood right in front of her, she looked up at me once she noticed the sun was no longer shining on her.

She smiled and stood up closing her book and leaving it on the grass, I grabbed her hand and she held mine tightly and came a little closer, our faces now to centimeters of each other, my nose softly rubbing hers.

We pulled away and we started to walk still holding hands, we stopped near a lake, at the outsides of the mansion, in the sunset, the sky has never been prettier.

The sun was almost gone, but not even the beauty of the sky managed to take my eyes off her, y/n. Who looked better than ever, I could see the whole universe in her eyes, shining brighter than the stars.

I walked closer and we were once again, centimeters apart. she wrapped her hands around my neck and I hugged her softly by her waist, pulling her even closer.

I closed my eyes and I could only hear her breathing, it was then when she spoke breaking the silence.

"Not yet" she whispered slowly in my ear.

I opened my eyes and she smiled at me, she pulled away and walked to the edge of the lake and sat down in the grass, starting to play with the blue water.

I was just about to walk closer to her but then I heard something that got me out of my thoughts. I turned around noticing how the leaves of just one tree at the beginning of the forest were moving.

Then I heard a splash and quickly turned around back to the lake, but y/n wasn't there this time. the water wasn't moving a bit, but then a hand came out of it and I supposed it was y/n, I quickly ran to the lake trying to search for her but there was nothing.

I held my head and pulled my hair in between my fingers desperately and moved my eyes from side to side to see if I could see her.

The sky started loosing all its beautiful colors and now there were clouds all over it, the sky was now in just gray, blue, dark colors and there wasn't any sight of her.

I could feel myself drowning even though I wasn't in the lake, I felt a part of me was being taken. And then, I ran.

I ran as fast as I could, ran away from the problem, as I always used to do.

"Draco" I heard her voice call my name and I stood froze. The voice I could recognize anywhere. The voice I grew up listening to. what is she doing here?

"Draco" she called me again and I turned around, making eye contact, she saw my confused look and I kept wondering what she was doing here.

"Mother" I managed to say.

Then my father apparated behind her and she gave my a small smile I found comforting. What are they doing here? What happened to y/n?

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