10. memories

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today I thought of inviting some friends to the mansion, but when I went to ask Draco I just stood silently on his door before knocking, I realized I didn't feel like socializing today, even though I haven't seen anyone lately one more day wouldn't make any difference.

I knew Darian was in her playing room so I didn't have to worry about her. I knocked on Draco's door and waited nervously for him to answer.

"what do you want?" he asked once he saw me standing there after he opened the door.

"just wanted to ask if you wanted to come to the garden with me?" I asked looking down.

"don't see why not, I have nothing more interesting to do" he said carelessly and went out of the room closing the door, he walked towards the stairs and I started following him.

"what if we go to the front gardens today?" he asked without looking at me once we got downstairs.

"that works for me" i replied.

we walked to the front door, one of the house elves was cleaning the main entrance and Draco just told him to look out for Darian while we were outside.

we sat down on the grass and just stayed there for a few seconds, I played with my fingers and decided to break the silence.

"I got a letter from my parents this morning" I said and he looked at me. "they're in Rumania, they'll come back to London next month" I smiled slightly at the idea of finally getting to see my parents again.

"that's um—" he made a pause looking down "—I think that's great" he looked back at me "my parents wrote to me yesterday, they're in Austria right now" he said and I nodded. "and um- I just wanted to talk to you about something" he said playing with a ring on his finger.

"what is it?" I said noticing he seemed a little off.

"well, our parents will come back soon, the summer will end, and we will go back to Hogwarts" he said "it also means that you're going to leave and-" he made a small pause again "-I don't know, forget it it's stupid"

"no, no, tell me" I said.

"I kind of-" he took a moment to choose his words "don't want you to leave?" he said more as a question.

"Draco Malfoy got attached?" I grinned.

"no, hell no" he scoffed "I just got a little used to having you around."

"at Hogwarts you will keep seeing me every single day" I said "I don't think something's gonna really change."

"I like spending some time together" he said changing the conversation theme abruptly.

"I think I like it too" I smiled.

"it's just that you're so awkward" he closed his eyes "it's making me cringe so hard" I laughed at his comment.

"I just don't really know how to act" I said awkwardly.

we laid down on the grass and looked up at the sky, it was a beautiful sky full of different types of blue and gray. it also had some clouds of different shapes and shades of gray and they made it look even more beautiful.

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