03. friends

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the week ended and the weekend was finally here, we didn't have any plans for it but we would make something up.

Darian woke up with a lot of energy and a big smile today, she asked me if we could go out to the back gardens of the mansion to spend some time outside, i said yes.

we went out of the mansion and Darian started playing with some of her toys that are just for playing outside.

I sat down on the grass leaning on a tree, while reading a book.

I turned my head to a side and i saw one of the big windows of the mansion, Draco was standing there staring at us, I quickly turned back and then slowly looked up again, but he was gone.

I tried not to give too much importance to it and I started reading my book again, but then I heard a voice calling my name and I looked up from my book to see Draco walking towards me.

"what do you want?" I asked standing up and closing my book.

"nothing" Draco said crossing his arms.

"then what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"just wanted to make you some company" he said unbothered.

"Oh, that's great" I said sarcastically.

"I know right" he smirked.

"go away please" I said turning around.

"just like that? you're not gonna say anything else?" he asked.

"what do you want me to say?" I asked.

"Okay, look" he started "we've known each other even before Darian was born, I'm just trying to make this time of summer a little less awkward" I frowned.

"That doesn't make any sense" I said turning back around to face him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked quickly.

"You really want to know that answer?" I said and we started walking around the garden.

"Actually, no" he looked at me "I think I already know" I smiled.

"Well, then you don't need to ask" I looked down.

We kept walking for a short time, any of us saying a word, just looking around and avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

"I invited some friends to the mansion tomorrow" he spoke breaking the silence.

"Okay" I muttered.

"Just thought you'd like to know" I nodded.

We kept walking for a little longer and then he stopped abruptly, not saying anything and moving his eyes really fast for all the place.

"y/n" he called "where's Darian" I started searching for her with just my stare, but there wasn't any sight of her.

"Darian!" We started shouting her name multiple times but there was no answer.

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