07. the letter

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the next morning

last night I told y/n that I like her, I would probably regret it but actually I think she didn't hear me.

When I told her she was already asleep, it was 4 a.m. and maybe she didn't care what I had to say. But I feel better now that I told her, even if she didn't hear me, cause now I'll start to pay a little more of attention on what I feel.


last night Draco told me something that took me by surprise, something i wasn't expecting at all, he told me he liked me.

I closed my eyes when he told me and after that he left my room, I didn't say anything because of the shock i didn't know how to react, so I just pretended I was asleep and hoped he believed it, fortunately he did.

today I woke up and went downstairs to eat breakfast, Darian was already there eating something that I've never seen in my life.

"What are you eating?" I asked curiously.

"Breakfast" she answered.

"Yes I know, but what is that?" I asked again.

"I dont really know, my mom invented it" she said eating.

"Oh! Does it tastes good?" I asked.

"Yes! Is my favorite breakfast" she said with her mouth full of food "it tastes like apple and caramel but it's not too sweet" she said.

I didn't know what was what Darian was eating but I wanted to try some, I went to the kitchen and asked one of the house elves if they could do another one for me, I went back to sit with Darian and then the house elf brought me my breakfast, I thanked him and tried the weird food I had in front of me.

A couple of minutes passed and Draco came downstairs and walked past us, he went to the kitchen and just grabbed an apple not bothering to even say good morning.

I thought about him again and questioned if i should tell him that I was awake last night.


I went to the kitchen and saw y/n at the table eating breakfast with Darian, I just took an apple and I remembered one time where Darian ate one of my apples and I got angry but I didn't say anything to her, she's the only person that I could share my apples with. maybe y/n too.


I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat anything else. I went back to my room and someone knocked at the door, I went to open and it was y/n.

"hey.." she said shyly.

"what do you want?" I asked coldly.

"I was thinking-" I interrupted her.

"do you think?" I asked smirking.

"Draco!" she said annoyed.

"sorry sorry, keep going" I said.

"okay, I was thinking—" she made a pause, I just stared at her "—well, actually, I wanted to tell you that I heard what you said last night" she said awkwardly.

"what did I say?" I asked smiling.

"you know" she said playing with her fingers.

"no, I don't know" I walked closer "what did I say?"

"that.. you.. like me?" she said kinda doubting.

'For Merlin's beard' I thought.

I thought it was about my stupid dream. She really heard that? why she didn't say anything in that moment? maybe because she stayed in shock, I mean, I wouldn't believe it either if she said that too, but I was in shock.

"um." I mumbled and looked to the floor.

"I didn't want to tell you, but I felt like I should" she said.

"Fine just-" I didn't know what to say.

"don't say anything, I don't know if I like you, maybe I do, but I'm not sure." she said.

"It's okay" I said "well, see you later" I said and I walked out of my room.


i told him, I kinda regret the moment I chose and now i'll think about it the rest of the week and it'll be a little awkward with both of us being in the same house.

but at the same time I think that wouldn't be a problem because the Malfoy Manor is really big, so it's not exactly like we would see each other all the time.

I started to walk by the long corridors of the mansion to clear my mind and realize what was exactly happening in this moment of our lives.

I was close to one of the windows staring at one of the many backyards when I saw an owl flying far in the distance, it took me a moment to realize that it was coming towards here, so i quickly opened the window to let the owl come in.

The owl dropped a letter in my hands and flew away again, I closed the window and sat down in the floor with my back leaning to a wall and my knees pressed to my chest. the letter was from my parents and I was really excited to see what they sent me.

I opened the letter and started reading it, they told me about some things they were doing and how great were the things in Ukraine. They were heading to Lithuania right now and they also said they got me some presents, I got really excited for that.

I stood up and went to the office to grab a quill and paper to write a response to them. I told them I was doing alright and I couldn't wait for them to come back.

After I sent the letter with the Malfoy's owl, I walked out of the office and went to my room, I sat on my bed and I just started reading a book.

"hey" I heard someone say, I looked to my door and saw Draco leaning his shoulder on the door frame.

"what do you want" I said looking back down to my book.

"talk with you" he said walking into my room and stopping in front of my bed.

"about what?" I asked keeping my eyes on my book.

"us." he said sitting at the edge of my bed and I frowned.

"there is no 'us'" I sighed.

"sorry," I looked at him and he looked down "I know that it wasn't the best moment to tell you this" he looked at me and nodded my head to tell him to continue "but look, I just don't think it's something abnormal" I smirked.

"abnormal?" I chuckled.

"liking someone is something normal" he said softly.

"and I don't blame you," I closed my book and sat a little closer to him "but I think i'm not ready" I looked down.

"I'll wait, all the time you want" he said grabbing my hand and I felt my whole body get tense.

"okay, but I don't promise anything" I looked at him "I'll just think about it"

"Let's see if this helps you think a little better" he smirked and moved a little closer.

"What?" I frowned and he turned to me, making us now be face to face.

"I'm falling y/n" he said looking down at my lips and back to my eyes "and I think it's for real."


heyy, first of all, I don't know when are you reading this but today is January 1st, sooo happy new year! It's 2021 already and I can't believe it,
this 2020 was a really different year for everyone but I'm thankful that this year
I came back to Wattpad and started writing this story! :)

Anyways, I have another stories that I don't post yet and I like them more than this one, so I'll post them soon.

hope you're liking this story so far! :)

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