13. a turtle and a snail

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we were at an alley, one I've never been to before, it was similar to diagon alley but this one was smaller, stores were more expensive, and there was so much exclusive stuff you couldn't find anywhere else.

Darian looked happy though. you could tell she's been here before and knows every corner like the palm of her hand.

"alright, little monster" Draco said, leaning down to her level "you will choose any shop you want, you won't have much time, but you can look around slowly, then, you will decide for just one thing. that thing will be your reward." he explained.

"just one thing?" Darian asked "this place is huge and you want me to choose only one thing?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"yep" he said standing straight again "I know you can do it."

"two things!" Darian exclaimed, trying to start a negotiation.

"you want a reward or not?" Draco asked "cause if I heard correctly, you've been saying you want a reward not two rewards." Darian sighed, knowing it was very unlikely that she could win this argument against her brother.

"okay, just one thing" she said defeated and started walking, Draco and I following after her.

Darian was looking through every single window of all the shops, looking at clothes, books, toys, magic objects, sweets, even pets.

"don't even think about it." Draco said as he noticed Darian stared too long into the pet shop.

"you said anything I wanted, and it would just be one pet, it's my reward after all" Darian said quietly, she has really wanted a pet for as long as she can remember, we knew that.

"it's not up to me, Dee, you know our parents would never allow an animal in the mansion," he explained.

Darian knew it. she looked down, sadness in her face.

"how come you live there then?" she whispered under her breath.

"what did you just say?" Draco asked. I laughed. he looked at me offended, but I just patted his shoulder and got to Darian's level to give her a hug.

she wrapped her little arms around my shoulders and whispered in my ear "I really want a pet, y/n" my heart softened and I smiled.

"I know, but there's not much we can do about it, maybe some other day you could talk to your mum and dad about it, okay?" I said quietly, and she nodded.

We let go of the hug and she kept walking, looking at all the shops again and finally deciding to go inside of one, it had different small things for children, mostly toys and stuffed animals and some accessories and little decorations. Draco and I walked in after her, and slowly looked around as she took her time looking at stuff.

"I'm getting bored, how long will this take?" Draco mutters to me.

"You told her she could look around slowly," I replied, crossing my arms as I kept looking around too.

"Didn't think someone could be this slow," he said "it's like she was raised by a turtle and a snail."

I chuckled "pretty sure she raised turtles and snails while playing outside at the mansion"

"Probably, not like our parents adore the idea of her getting dirty" he shrugged "I'm not even sure if that kid has ever even seen a snail."

"Pretty sure she has" I said "they are everywhere, isn't it so pretty when you see one of their spiral shells on the ground after the rain?" I asked.

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