09. painting room

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I decided that today I wanted to take some time for me so I could clear my mind and have Draco at least one minute out of my head.

I went to the painting room of the mansion, were painters painted the family pictures or just some paintings for the house.

Narcissa took Darian with her sometimes just to let her appreciate a little of art sometimes, and I've always loved this room because it's really calm.

I took some paint and grabbed all the stuff i was going to use, i sat down close to a window with my back facing the door and started painting quietly while humming a little melody to concentrate a little better.

"hey," i heard a small voice say, i turned around and i smiled at her "what are you painting?" she asked curiously walking shyly to me.

"just this," i replied showing her my drawing.

"it's really beautiful" she said placing her hands together. "can i paint with you?" she asked after a moment.

"of course!" I exclaimed. "come here, what would you like to paint?"

"something pretty" she replied "something like flowers".

"alright then" I smiled and she sat down next to me, i helped her draw the silhouette of some flowers and then she started painting quietly making me company.

"your flowers are really pretty and colorful, Darian" I said after a moment, smiling at her painting that was actually really pretty.

"Thank you" she giggled and kept painting.

i decided to take a small break to rest my hand a little, I stayed quietly staring at Darian paint her flowers. I looked at her, she had dark hair just like her mother, I guess she felt my gaze on her cause she turned to face me and we made eye contact, she smiled, I realized she had the same gray eyes as Draco, they looked alike a lot more than it seemed at first sight.

That made me smile, she kept painting and I turned to see my artwork, it was a boy's profile, looking at it I thought it would be hard to imagine if you've never seen it, but I liked it a lot.

"i'm done!" Darian exclaimed.

"it's wonderful!" I cheered looking at Darian's artwork. she did an amazing job.

"I want to show Daico!" she said excitedly and my heart melted.

"okay then, go call him" I said and she left the room running.

I looked again at my painting and realized I painted his hair blonde, what if Draco thought it was him?

I got insecure and quickly painted it dark, I didn't want him to think I was painting him, seconds later Darian came back with her little hand wrapped around Draco's finger, pulling him into the room to show him her painting.

"Look, Daico!" She said excitedly.

"you made me come to here, just to show me that?" Draco said expressionless.

"yes, Daico, isn't it beautiful?" she asked with a spark on her eyes.

"it's the ugliest thing i've ever seen in my life" Draco said but a tiny smile escaped from his lips.

Darian giggled knowing that was the way Draco expressed his thoughts and wrapped her little arms around his torso with her head looking up at him.

"you did that?" Draco asked me pointing at my painting with one finger.

"yes" I replied and he just stared at it and raised his eyebrows without saying anything else, then he looked back down at Darian who was still hugging him.

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