Chapter Three

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Blossom Pov

I sat in the same spot from yesterday in my first hour. I waited for class to start, when the seat next to me became occupied. I looked, and saw Yoongi sitting there. I looked at him confused.

"What? Can I not sit next to you?" He asked, then took a sip from his coffee. I shook my head.

"Do you want to hang out sometime? I know it's weird knowing that we just met. But I would like to get to know you." I looked at him completely taken aback. No one has ever asked to hangout with me like that before. The night before, I stayed awake in bed wondering why it was so easy for me to talk to Yoongi. I just felt comfortable with him and felt like I can truly be myself around him.

"Sure." I simply replied.

"Do you uhh... want to exchange numbers?" I nodded my head and the both of us took our phones out. After we had exchanged numbers, Mr. Lee walked into class.

"Alright class, settle down." The chattering died down. Mr. Lee turned around to the whiteboard, grabbing a marker. He wrote on the board.

"You will be working with a partner of your choice and compose a ballad song." Excited chattering was heard around the room.

"Quiet down!" The chattering stopped.

"This project will be due at the end of next week. You may do as you please, but there should be no reason for you to not compose a ballad. You may use the recording studios." I looked over at Yoongi, to see that he was already looking at me. I looked in his eyes and could tell what he was about to ask so I nodded my head and he smiled at me.

"Have you found your partner class?" Mr. Lee asked. The class said no whereas me and Yoongi said yes.

"Will you two be working together?" Mr. Lee looked at the both of us clearly noticing we said yes. We both nodded our heads, whispering was heard around the room, probably them talking about me and Yoongi but who cares?

"Great. I expect great work from the both of you."

Time Skip

Second period had ended and I was making my way to my locker to drop a few things off. I opened my locker and was about to open my bag when a hand came and slammed my locker shut. I looked and it was another girl... dressed up like a slut. I rolled my eyes annoyed by all these chicks thinking they're IT. I was about to walk away when she spoke.

"YAH!" I ignored her and continued to walk away not until I felt her grab my arm and turn me back around.

"You're new aren't you?" I blankly stared at her as she talked. Having no interest in this.

"Are you mute or something?" Fed up with her wasting my time, I turned back around to walk away, not until she pulled my hair causing me to fall back. Gasps were heard around the hallway.

"New or not. You need to stay away from the boys." Yeah... stay away from my own brother. Ridiculous. I slowly got up and patted myself off. Unbothered I tried to walk away again. But that bitch put her hand on my shoulder and yanked me back. From the corner of my eye I saw Yoongi looking at me, I could tell he was about to come and helped me but before he could.

Reader's Pov


Gasps left the mouths of those standing in the hallways, their jaw wide open from shock. There they saw Blossom pinning Melody to the locker... by her neck... Melody looked at Blossom in shock clearly not expecting for that to happen. Blossom smirked at Melody and leaned down to her ear.

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