Chapter Twenty

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You slammed the door shut as you walked out. Jimin laid back on the bed and let out a tired sigh, he knew that you were right but he just couldn't help it.

He didn't tell you but he had fallen in love with one of the girls in his dance class. It's funny, isn't it? People would think since he's good-looking and talented he would get girls in the snap of a finger, but it wasn't like that.

He knew loving her would have consequences but he thought that she would fall for him too. But as time passed by and his symptoms began to worsen he had lost hope and accepted the reality that he would die.

He knew that you were afraid of losing him after all you both had lost your parents then you lost Hyuna, but what other reason did he have to live? The women he had loved so much didn't love him back.

Every day he saw her in their dance class he fell for her even more but the more he fell for her the more intense the pain in his heart became.

You on the other hand had walked away from Jimin's room and found a bench to sit on. As soon as you sat down you felt yourself breaking down as tears flowed down your cheeks nonstop. You didn't mean the last thing you said to him.

You were just angry at yourself for not being able to protect him like how he always protected you. Anger, sadness, and fear-filled your heart. You didn't want to lose Jimin and be alone; you were afraid of being alone. After your parents passed it was always you AND Jimin it was never just you or just him it was the both of you together.

If you were ever put in a situation where you had to choose between the one you love or your family you would not hesitate to choose Jimin. Yes, you loved Namjoon, but Jimin was your brother and you couldn't bear to lose your only family.

You didn't mean what you had said to Jimin, he wasn't selfish he was selfless. From when you were twelve to now he had always taken care of you; giving you the bigger chunk/portion of food, giving you allowance money although he needed money too, covering you with the blanket at night although he was cold himself, losing sleep comforting you when you got nightmares.

Your brother loved you so much, he struggled so much to provide for you but you never saw that you never cared to think about him or how he felt. He wasn't the selfish one, YOU were the selfish one.

"Miss Park?" You looked up and saw the doctor from earlier standing in front of you with a clipboard. You quickly wiped your tears away and stood up to greet him.

"A-Ah, I'm sorry." He gave you a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay, I understand this is a lot to take in, but as you are the only family of Mr. Park you have to sign the papers for his surgery. He has to get the surgery or else he won't make it to see the day after tomorrow." The doctor showed you the clipboard that had the papers. Your hands trembled as you slowly reached for the clipboard.

You know Jimin had already told you he wasn't going to get the surgery, but you couldn't lose him. Maybe you were being selfish not heeding his request but you couldn't do what he had asked of you.

Taking the pen from the doctors hand and quickly reading through the papers you signed your name at the bottom and handed the clipboard and pen back to the doctor.

"We will perform surgery on him tomorrow morning." He informed you before walking away. You slowly sat back down on the bench and let out a sigh. You hoped that Jimin wouldn't be mad at you knowing what you had just done.

Even if you hoped he wouldn't be mad at you, you knew he would be but you were fine with him being mad at you. Having him mad at you was better than not having him by your side.

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