Chapter Fifteen

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A/n: You might hate me for this :) I didn't want to set such a big time skip but I had to for the sake of this story.

It had been roughly around two month since you and Namjoon started to talk. Everything was going very well to your surprise, yes the both of you still kept your relationship on the down-low but within a month you had learned so much about each other and you could easily say that slowly you were falling for him.

He would take you out on dates and made you feel like you were the most precious girl in the world. Jimin had noticed your constant outings and asked about it, but of course, you just lied and said you were going to the cafe.

You and Yoongi on the other hand had thankfully gone back to normal. He became his quiet and reserved self but when he was around you he became a gummy smile bear. The both of you didn't hang out as much as before since he had his things to do and you had your outings with Namjoon.

It would be a lie though if you were to say you didn't miss your normal hangouts with Yoongi. In just a short amount of time, he had become a really important person in your life.

It was a normal day of college, and you were currently walking to your next lecture when Yoongi stood in front of you blocking your way. You looked at him confused.

"What is it, Yoongi?" He smiled down at you.

"Do you want to hangout after? I reserved the studio for another month again." Your eyes lit up at the mention of this. The campus studio had been your and Yoongi's hangout place and you were ecstatic that he was free to hang out today.

"Sure! Why not! I'm done! I'll have to tell Jimin first though."

"Alright, see you later at lunch then!" With that he walked away while you had a smile on your face knowing you would be with around Yoongi even if it was only for a few hours. You continued walking to your next lecture but was stopped when a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you into the next hallway.

You smiled and giggled knowing all too well who it was.

"What do you want Joonie?" He leaned back against the wall, his hands finding its way to rest on your waist before pulling you closer to him. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I missed you." You playfully smacked his chest.

"You literally saw me yesterday pabo!" He laughed, his deep velvety voice causing shivers down your spine. This had become a normal thing, since your relationship with each other was still on the down-low we have our outings at places where we know the other boys wouldn't be. And while on campus we would have to act normally but of course it didn't mean we would pull the other person to the side when we're alone.

"I know... I wish I could hold you like this forever and not have to hide it from everyone." You removed your arms from around his neck and cupped his face with your hands, making him look down at you in the eyes.

"I know you don't want to keep this behind closed doors anymore, but you know with my brother... things will get really complicated. Just give it at least a few more weeks okay? I'll tell Jimin about us by then." He smiled and nodded which caused you to go on your tippy toes and leave a kiss on his cheek.

You guys would hug and hold hands and give each other kisses on the cheek but never did you two kiss each other on the lips. It was like an unspoken rule between the both of you, you both knew that the other hand boundaries and limits and respected that.

Namjoon never touched you anywhere that made you uncomfortable and you did the same.

"I'm okay with it, as long as you're okay." That was one thing you had come to love about Namjoon, he put others he cared about first.

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