Chapter Sixteen

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The room fell silent as you and Yoongi continued to look at each other deeply in the eyes. Your heartbeat increased every second as you realized how close you both were.

Unconsciously, you slowly brought your hands up and cupped his face in your hands.

"Yoongi..." As you softly said Yoongi's name his heart went crazy. He talked with you all of the time but he never had you called him so softly His heartbeat increased which only caused more confusion to arise.

But the sweet moment was ruined when...

"You're so cute!" You squished his cheeks together causing him to hiss in pain. He quickly sat up which allowed you to sit up as well. He rubbed his red cheeks while you giggled.

"What the heck was that for?" He asked in annoyance.

"I don't know, you just looked really cute at that moment." Hearing this caused his cheeks to go even redder.

"Y-Yah! Do-n't say that!" He mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

"It's true though!" He groaned in annoyance, he was going to show you what happens when someone upsets him. His hands approached you but you had already seen it coming and quickly stood up, backing away from him.

Yoongi stood up and slowly approached you, but with each step forward that he took you stepped back. When he finally charged at you, you turned around and ran away.

"YAH! Get back here! Stop running away!" He panted out as he continued to chase you around the studio.

"No! I don't know what you're going to do to me!" Giggles and laughter filled the room as Yoongi continued to try and catch you, but of course, it slowly came to an end when he caught up to you his arms wrapping around your waist and throwing you onto the couch. You were about to get up, but before you even could, he hovered over you his hands at your sides began to dig into your flesh causing you to let out a loud giggle.

"Y-ya-h! S-stop it! I-I can't!" You squirm around, trying to get away from his hands you tried pushing his hands away but it was no use.

"You provoked me! Now deal with it!" He responded evilly as he continued to tickle you.

"Y-yah! I-I'm sor-ry!" After hearing you apologize he stopped tickling you and sat down on the couch with you. You sat up completely out of breath, you glared at him while he just leaned back on the couch completely unbothered.

"You're mean!" You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Don't call me cute then~"

"Fine." You mumbled under your breath. After finally catching your breath, you turned your body so that you were facing him.

"If I can't call you cute, then I'll call you little meow meow!" He turned his head to look at you, his face scrunched up in disgust.

"Eww what the heck! No!"

"Too late!" You flicked his nose before quickly standing up and running away from him.

"Park Blossom! I swear you will be the death of me one day!"

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

It was finally the weekend, which meant you and Namjoon were going on another date. You stood in front of your closet trying to figure out what to wear. After a while of contemplating on what to wear you decided to wear; a white shirt that is tucked into light blue jean shorts, with a black belt showing off your waist, you also wore a light blue flannel shirt that reached your mid-thighs.

You were about to wear the clothes when your phone vibrated indicating someone had texted you so you pulled out your phone and instantly smiled seeing the message.

Joonie: Let's meet up at the cafe near your house. I don't want to get caught by your brother yet :(

Blossom: Arreso~ I'll see you in a bit~

After putting your clothes on, you decided to go simple and put your hair up in a ponytail. Once you were satisfied with the way you looked, you grabbed your purse and quickly made your way downstairs to find your brother standing in the kitchen.

Hearing you come down, he looked up at you his eyebrows instantly raising as he saw the way you were dressed.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" You gulped and fiddled with your purse handle. It was never easy lying to Jimin, but knowing how strict and overprotective he was over you, you had no choice but to lie.

"It's nice out today, I'm just going to the cafe." Well, that wasn't a complete lie. Today was a beautiful spring day, the weather was amazing. You were also going to the cafe but of course, you couldn't tell him that you were going there to meet up with Namjoon.

"You're no-" He couldn't finish his sentence when he started to cough but it wasn't one of those normal coughs where you choke on your spit or because liquid goes down the wrong tube. You quickly dropped your bag on the couch and walked to Jimin who was now hunched over as his chest heaved up and down.

"Jimin? Are you okay? Are you sick?" You bombarded him with questions as you began to worry about him. After a moment, the coughing died down and he was back to normal.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." That didn't bring any comfort to you though.

"Are you sure? That wasn't a normal cough, you should go to the hospital and get checked up. It could be something serious." He nodded and lightly pushed you away which had taken you aback.

"I'm fine now. You should get going and bring me back a drink if you'd please." You nodded and let go of his arm. You didn't want to go because you were still worried about him, but you also couldn't make Namjoon wait for you.

"If you need anything, call me okay?" He nodded and shooed you away. You grabbed your purse that contained your phone and house keys before exiting the house and walked to the cafe.

For the past three months, you had noticed a sudden change in your older brother. He wasn't as protective as he used to be, he would let you go out freely and although you should be happy for it was a blessing to have him stop being on your tail, something felt off to you.

From the time both of your parents passed away to now, Jimin was always protective over you and it didn't even matter if you were a senior in high school.

You reached the cafe and tried to forget about your worries for now hoping that all of this was just you thinking too much. 


A/n: Don't worry :) Nothing bad won't happen :) ;) 

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