Chapter Twenty One

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The hospital room was loud and very much lively as five males had stormed into Jimin's hospital room after hearing from Yoongi that Jimin had been rushed to the hospital.

Jimin was bombarded with questions such as who the girl was and that they would quote on quote "beat her ass" but Jimin told them to forget about it since he no longer had feelings for her and she had no idea about it anyways.

You sat in the corner of the room watching the chaos with a small smile. You were glad that besides yourself Jimin had the boys to take care of him, although you didn't know what your brother was through at the time. The moment Jimin woke up you had made a promise to yourself that you would protect Jimin just like how he protected you all the time.

It was funny to you too seeing Namjoon glance at you every now and then. You felt bad that you hadn't talked to him since the date but you were in emotional distress and you couldn't think of anything other than getting your brother better.

But seeing the way he looked at you with the smile you came to love you knew that he understood you and didn't hate you for ghosting him. Oh, how lucky you were to have a boyfriend like him.

You broke out of your trance when you felt your phone which laid on your leg vibrate. You checked and saw that Yoongi had texted you, you smiled and couldn't help but feel your heart slightly flutter seeing his name pop up on your screen.

Yoongi: I'm outside in the parking lot. I bought food for everyone and I need help carrying it in.

Blossom: I'll come to help you.

You got up from the chair and slipped out of the room without anyone noticing since they were all still too busy talking to Jimin. You quickly walked to the hospital parking lot and sure enough, you saw Yoongi standing next to his car. You approached him and helped him carry the food into the hospital.

But while you two were walking you said,

"Thank you..." He turned and looked at you confused.

"For what?"

"For coming here and staying with me even though it was late and for also being by my side and being my friend." Yoongi felt his heart flutter hearing your words but he kept his cool.

"Of course. You don't have to thank me for that, Blossom." Truth was even if you were to call Yoongi at 2 in the morning and asked him to come to you he would gladly do so.

Reaching the room everyone was in the conversation between you stopped. Both of you handed out the food to the boys. Everyone started eating and happily talked among themselves while you sat next to your brother and fed him, you knew he was more than capable to feed himself but just this once you would let it slide and baby him since he was the one always babying you.

After you finished feeding Jimin you needed to go use the bathroom so you excused yourself, but after a few minutes Namjoon had also excused himself needing to go use the bathroom as well but the truth was he didn't need to use the bathroom and he just wanted to talk to you alone.

He leaned against the wall waiting for you to come out from the bathroom and as soon as you did a yelp of surprise left your lips when you saw him there waiting for you.

"Jesus Namjoon!" You let out a loud sigh and clutched your heart.

"Did I scare you?" He smiled goofily and hugged you. You hugged him back as well, burying your face into his chest breathing his scent that calms you.

"How are you? At first, if I'm, to be honest, I was disappointed that you didn't pick up my call since I thought you ghosted me, but when Yoongi Hyung told us what happened I immediately rushed over." You smiled and hugged him tighter knowing he would understand you.

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