Chapter Twenty Nine

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Namjoon sat on one of the many benches placed outside in the courtyard of the campus lost in thought. He had a free period and was planning on doing all the assignments he had to do, but instead, he had sat outside for the past two hours getting lost in his thoughts.

It had only been a few days since Jimin tried to start a fight with Melody and her goons, from what he heard Melody had been expelled from the school as it was revealed she had tried to harass Blossom on many accounts to which he was thankful knowing Melody was expelled because if he crossed paths with her he would be the one starting a fight.

While Melody was expelled her goons were suspended for a week and would receive further punishment. Namjoon couldn't help but wonder why you hadn't told him about the harassment and in a way it hurt, he was your boyfriend but the way you had been acting and the way you kept hiding things from him sure didn't seem like it.

He noticed how you were very on edge since your relationship with Jimin had been rocky ever since he tried to fight Melody and her goons, but he knew that with time and through communication you and Jimin would get back to good terms and become the sibling duo everyone knew and adored.

With so many other things going on in your life, he didn't dare to bring up the issue that was going on in your relationship with him. In the past few days, he had noticed how you were being much more distant from him and you didn't seem as engaged whenever he tried to talk to you but that wasn't just happening now. Even in the past when he had taken you out, you were there with him physically but your mind was somewhere else.

He wished he knew what was going on in your mind, he wished that you would learn to trust him and come to realize that he was there for you when you needed that shoulder to lean on. At times Namjoon had wondered if you ever loved him... but if you didn't he would have been coughing out flower petals right about now... no?

Namjoon could tell something was going on between you and Yoongi, everyone could tell with the way Yoongi hadn't been showing up to lunch or the way you had become quieter than usual. Something had happened between you and Yoongi which caused your relationship with each other to shift. Namjoon just hoped that whatever it was that was going on, whatever problem that it was would be fixed because not only was it causing stress to you and Yoongi, it was causing everyone else in the group to be tense.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You sat in the living room, glancing at the clock every few seconds while biting your bottom lip anxiously. It had been three days since the whole ordeal with Jimin trying to fight Melody at the campus. It was stupid in your opinion; why would Jimin fight Melody? Even if she had hurt you, Jimin wasn't one to be physically or get violent.

Jimin had told you that you two would talk once home, but when you two did arrive home he ignored you and stormed off to bed for the night and the next morning he had ignored you as well, that had been going on for three days now and you were honestly starting to get tired and annoyed of him. You knew it was wrong of you not to tell him but he didn't have the right to be acting the way that he was,

The sound of the front door opening and closing brought you out of your thoughts as you turned your head and saw Jimin walking into the house. He walked into the living room and plopped down on the sofa that was opposite to yours letting out a loud sigh while you continued to stare at him.

"Jimin... I'm-" You tried saying, but was cut off,

"If you're going to say sorry, save it." You frowned and played with the end of your sleeves. He sits up on the couch, his elbows propped up on his knees as he looks at you dead in the eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You gulped and felt yourself become nervous due to the intensity of Jimin's gaze.

"I didn't want you to worry..." In a swift movement, he slammed his hand onto the table the loud sound echoing throughout the house while causing you to jump a little in your seat.

"How could I not worry about you?! I'm your brother for god sake! Worrying about you is my job!" You looked down at your hands as you continued to play with the end of your sleeves, unsure of what to say next since you didn't want to anger your brother more than he already was.

"What would you have done if Melody and they had brought a weapon with them? What if you got seriously hurt?! Would you hide it from me even though you are hurt?!" Jimin took a deep breath in, he knew that his anger was getting the best of him and if he continued speaking while his anger was still there he would say something he would regret. So once he had calmed down he calmly said,

"You may say I'm mean or that I'm an asshole for ignoring you, but I care about you Blossom, and I don't want you to get hurt. What would have happened if Yoongi hadn't told me? I would have been living life completely oblivious that my little sister was getting harassed." Your hands stopped playing with your sleeves as your body became rigid.

"Yoongi...? Yoongi was the one that... told you...?" Jimin simply nodded his head,

"Yes, Hyung was the one that told me to look for your bruises." You let out a bitter laugh shaking your head not believing your ears.

"That bastard." Your mind flashing back to that night on the rooftop of the school building when he had pushed you and when you winced he asked if you were okay.

"What?" Jimin asks confused,

"That bastard cares if I'm hurting? Pft like he would care." You crossed your arms and leaned back into the sofa, your mood turning sour at the mention of Yoongi's name.

"Blossom what are you saying? Did something happen when you went to talk to Hyung the other night? Did you two not resolve the problem?"

"Well, I don't know why me and him would be on good terms when he had practically told me to fuck off." Jimin furrowed his brows,

"He what?"

"He says I'm a fake and to stop acting as I care about him." It was at this moment that Jimin wanted to storm out of the house and slap Yoongi across the face. Everyone knew the truth but Yoongi and Blossom themself sure it would be easier if someone told Yoongi or Blossom but Jimin nor the other boys had the right to say anything.

"He cares about you Blossom, believe it or not. Yoongi Hyung... has a weird way of showing affection towards his loved ones... but I know Hyung cares a lot about you." You scoffed and stood up from the sofa.

"Sure he does." With that said, you stormed out of the living room leaving Jimin alone to his thoughts.

What the hell are you doing, Hyung...?

Can you not see that while you're suffering...

She is suffering too...? 


A/n: Well, the sibling bond between Jimin and Blossom are slowly going back to how it use to be and also a heads up this story is slowly coming to an end. And I feel bad to say that I feel relieved that I'm glad this story is about to end, when I first started writing this story I was so motivated to write it but of course life happens and things went downhill. I am actually sad that I lost the motivation to write this story because for the longest time I have thought of this story and when I was actually bringing this story to life it just wasn't to my greatest satisfaction. I feel like I am dragging things out too long and I'm not happy with how I am writing things, but... maybe in the future when things get better and I feel motivated to write this story, I'll come back and rewrite the chapters in this story that I am not happy with. 

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