Chapter Eighteen

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The sight was sickening, there Jimin's body laid limp on the wooden floor. Stained petals, and flowers surrounding him, swirling in a pool of his own blood.

You began to shake in fear as ran to his side, lifting his head up and placing it on your lap.

"J-J-Jimin!" You stuttered out as tears began to fill your eyes. You cupped his cheeks only to feel how cold he had gotten.

This couldn't be happening to you. Not again. Not to one of the people you loved and cared so much about.

"J-J-Jimin! Talk to me! W-Wake up!" You shook his body only to get no response.

"J-J-JIMIN! Don't you d-d-dare le-a-ve me!" Without wasting another second you lifted him up and dragged him downstairs not giving a damn about how heavy he was. You grabbed his car keys and opened the door dragging him out to his car and opening the back door.

You gently laid him down and quickly shut the door and got into the driver's seat. Your hands trembled so much that you struggled to put the key in.

Once the car started you pulled out of the driveway, speeding down the roads getting multiple cars to honk at you but you didn't give a damn.

Your brother's life was on the line and you were not about to lose him, he was all you had left he was your only family. You couldn't and you didn't want to imagine a world without your older brother.

Tears streamed down your face, blurring your vision but you kept wiping them away.

Once in front of the hospital you stepped on the brakes and got out of the car being greeted by doctors and nurses who had come out after hearing the loud brakes coming from your car.

"What is the matter?" A doctor asked. You quickly opened the back door and pleaded.

"Please, p-please sa-ve my b-brother. Please help him, I-I can't lose him. Please h-he's the only one I have l-left." A nurse wheeled a stretcher up to the car. Nurses and doctors got Jimin out of the car and lifted him onto the stretcher before wheeling him inside.

You followed after them, your hand holding Jimin's as you cried and begged.

"J-J-Jimin! P-please d-d-don't leave me!" They rolled him into the operating room you were about to go in when a nurse stopped you.

"Miss you can't go in there." You pushed her away and tried to go in there because you needed to be with Jimin but she kept standing in your way.

"Miss you can't go in there. Please go sit down and wait. We will try our best to save your brother." With that said she walked into the operating room leaving you alone in the hallway. You slowly backed away from the door and leaned against the wall.

Sliding down the wall you cupped your face as tears flowed down your cheeks. As you thought about what you did to deserve this?

You had lost your parents due to a car crash, you lost Hyuna because of the damn disease and you were on the verge of losing your brother, your only family to the same damn disease that took your best friend away from you.

Why couldn't you just be happy? Why did you have to live in constant fear of losing the ones you loved?

You couldn't help but wonder why Jimin didn't tell you about this, why he didn't tell you about him having the disease. Was this why he let you go out so often? Because he had thought he would die?

You pulled your hands away from your face but as soon as you saw your hands you began to tremble even more. Your hands were painted with your brothers crimson red blood, your white shirt and flannel stained with the same crimson red liquid.

You patted your pockets, trying to find your phone when finally you felt it in your back pocket and pulled it out. Quickly dialing a number and bringing the phone up to your ear. In just a few rings the other line picked up.

"Hello? Blossom? Why are you calling me at this time?" It was ten at night but you hadn't noticed that at all. More years continued to flow down your cheeks as you heard his voice.

"Blossom? Are you crying? Why are you crying? Is everything okay?" You tried to speak to him but only ended up choking on your sobs.

"Take your time okay?"

"I-I-It's J-J-Jimin-"

"What about Jimin? Did something happen to him?"

"I-I-I'm a-at th-e-e h-hos-pi-tal. J-J-Jimin h-has H-Hanahaki." Never in your life time did you think you would ever say that sentence, but there you were in the hospital alone and crying.

"Which hospital are you at? I'll come to you."

"I-I-I'm a-at ××××"

"Okay. I got it, I'm on my way."

"Tha-n-nk you,



A/n: That'll be all for tonight :) 

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