part 17

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I look confused and say "yh what's happened" miss carter looks down and says "well your dad went away for the weekend on a trip and" I start getting worried and cut her off and say "what's happened to him" miss carter says "well he's been in a plane crash and he got taken to the hospital". I start shaking and say "but is he ok" miss carter don't say anything and I start tearing up and I say "I can't lose him" tears start falling down my face and my phone goes of and I look and see my mum sent a message and says
Mum X
Hey darling your dad was in a plane crash and got taken to the hospital and I have to go over to see if he's ok and I need you and Jacob looking after Ellie for me plz!

I ignore her message and cry and walk out her office and I push past everyone and I hear Jordan shout "MADDIE YOU OK" I walk past everyone ignoring them and go to the toilet and shut myself in a toilet block and cry.

It had been half an hour and my mum messaged again saying she's on the plane.

I go out the toilet and walk in the corridor and Mr bell says "hey Maddie you ok miss carter told me everything" he looked concerned and I said "yh have you seen Jordan" Mr bell looks back and says "yh" I look and see him with a girl I've never seen before. I felt sad and look down and say "thank you" I start walking over to Jordan and the girl I've never seen before and Jordan looks at me and says nothing I say "hey" in a upset tone and Jordan looks at me again and says "hi" the girl looks at me and says "hey I'm Chloe" I say "hey I'm Maddie jordans-" Jordan cuts me off and says "friend" I shake my head and walk of. I see Hailey and she comes over to me and hugs me and says "you ok babe" I say "no" and I start crying my eyes out and she says "what's wrong" I say "my dad has been in a plane crash and Jordan is with a new girl and said we friends" Hailey stops hugging me and walks of I go after her and she goes over to Jordan and shouts "JORDAN YOU CANT ASK MADDIE OUT AND AS A NEW GIRL HAS JOINED SAY YOUR FRIENDS SO PICK NOW BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW WHATS JUST HAPPENED" Chloe looks at me and says "wait your dating" I say "yh I tried to say but he cut me off and says we friends so I guess we friends then" Jordan looks at me and says "Maddie please don't be mad" Hailey shouts "DONT BE MAD HER DAD IS IN HOSPITAL AND YOUR PLAYING WITH HER" I walk of as I can't stand Jordan and I feel like shit.

It's been 2 days since me and Jordan had our fall out and I found out about my dad. I was in my room with red puffy eyes with Ellie cudderling. I heard a knock on my bedroom door and said "come in" I look up and saw someone I didn't wanna see.

"Jordan" I say shocked he looked like he had been crying. He says "hey can we talk" I say "sure" he sits down at the end of my bed and I lean up and say "so" Jordan says "I'm sorry Maddie I said we friends because Chloe's my ex and I thought she would be jelouse but she's isn't she's happy for me and she's got a boyfriend herself" I was confused as he never told me he had a girlfriend before so I say "when did u both date then" he looks down and says "7 months ago" I sigh and say "but we have been flirting since year 9 and you never told me you had a girlfriend now it makes me think you are gonna flirt with someone else while we dating well IF we are" he says "Maddie listen I never told you because you would of wanted to meet her and she woudlnt like me having a girl best mate and plus I broke up with her because I didn't really like her like that I liked you" I shake my head and say "sure" Jordan gets up messages and I look and knew he was telling the truth.

Sorry for not posting I've been busy so here's a long one

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